Saturday, December 27, 2014

December 27, 2014

This morning, the bags under my eyes were so big, they would've been considered suitcases. Still, it was Day Two of our adventure and there were 9.5 more driving hours,  so I got the kids up to get dressed as there wasn't even a coffee maker in the room and someone needed some coffee. The air was icy cold outside:  it was in the low 30s and after we packed up, we headed to a nearby restaurant. The food was absolutely delicious.  It was real food, not loaded down with grease... unfortunately it was also the most expensive thing on teh trip so far (yes, even more than a tank of gas).  Naturally we had to hit the road with Willie and "On the Road Again."  I used to hear this on the way to Ruidoso when I was five, in the back of the station wagon and thus, no road trip is  complete without that. Then I moved onto "Mountains" by Prince as Ethan commented on the mountains in the Arizona distance.  The kids and I had fun as I practiced my Prince screams which have improved dramatically over the years.

I noticed that there is a border patrol truck, the first of many I was to see that day, on the median facing the wrong direction.  I don't know how he intends on capturing.  There was a large suburban with the "Jesus is Lord" sticker on the back of their window who was constantly on my tail and always in the passing lane. He was my first person of the day to teach on how to stay in the correct lane.  I was very proud when, after about six examples, he learned how to stay in the right lane unless he needed to pass, but not before I had my bright headlights on him .  Granted, in the daylight it doesn't do very much, but it was the principal.  He finally caught on and started moving back into the right lane.  I was a proud mama.

"His palms are callouses but his nails are trimmed."  It was a beautiful quote that from the book audiobook the help. I really like that book to listen to and one of the characters describes falling for someone I remember that Peter patter of my own heart.  It's such a nice  thing to remember.  I spoke on the phone with Olivia about a lot of things that have been taking place lately with my family. Despite a lot of hurt feelings in the past, I think that I've gotten to the point now where I can't really take sides anymore despite my own personal feelings and a lot of these battles.  I am able to see the reason behind a lot of the behaviors from other people and, unless it happens directly to me (which I thought learned to avoid and the last many years), I'm able to step back and try not to take it personally.

As we moved closer, in Arizona then later New Mexico and Texas,  I saw a lot of border patrol
agents. Living in Sacramento I'm too far removed from the issue as directly... although I remember growing up and being really worried about seeing those green trucks because I knew that it would mean a lot of people wouldn't be at work anymore. It's a really big issue and it's one that has personally affected me,  in a small way. I have known a lot of undocumented immigrants and it irritates me because so many assume that these people receive a ton of free services, which they don't. The people I know were hard-working.  That's a lot of  people that I know who are born Americans who stay home and play the system.   I wish people could understand how screwed up the system really is and stop blaming the people who work their asses off to provide for us and for their own family only wanting a better life

The air is absolutely beautiful in Texas.  It's in the 30s and I absolutely love it.  Parking outside of El Paso,  I realized that it was in the 30s and I was still wearing my little cami while other people  are wearing parkas, scarves and snow hats. I felt a little silly but it felt so good, so exhilarating. My perfect temperature has changed from 71 to 45.   It was absolutely wonderful showing up to the house, seeing Ingrid  and my sister.   Ingrid was so thrilled to see Maggie and Ethan, which took me back to a time when our Tanti would show up from Switzerland.  Good god, the circle has come all the way around, except I forgot all the gifts.   That little girl was so adorable and it makes me sad that we don't live closer to her room but I'm grateful that we see her as much as we do(yay, facetime).  I am also excited to meet my nephew.  Hopefully he's born while were here.

Pictures: The MOST unusual cloud formations over the Sierra Blanca Mountains in the Westest of Texas; Guess which state we're entering?!?!

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