Sunday, December 28, 2014

December 28, 2014

It was so hot in that room last night..I tried to open the window, but had no idea how to do so I just laid my hands on the cool window and got a little relief that way.  I discovered another thing that I forgot this morning was my medication, which I take daily and have been doing so since the age of 16. That wasn't a very good move on my part,  but fortunately I was able to call the pharmacy and get a prescription transferred to Texas.

Ethan was up fairly early, but Maggie was asleep for quite a while. Ingrid  loves Ethan, so they hung out and watched a show together for a while, but  eventually, Ingrid could handle it no longer and went to wake Maggie up. We hung around the house for several hours and then got dressed to go to La Bodega for lunch.


I went in my own car, as I was going to the pharmacy after we ate to get my medication.  I felt a little funny in my car with out any references to Texas colleges, Texas sports teams or local High schools (GO, LEE!!!)  Instead, I have a Grateful Dead Stealie, A Mother Hips insignia, and tow SF Giants stickers.  Plus, no big dualie, 3/4 ton truck.  I have a zippy efficient Mazda with a bike rack.

 It was hard in the restaurant.  It is a reliving of my entire child hood.  We spent our lives in that place - it was another part of the family. I was fine until I saw Chuy- then I cried.   Olivia and I sat at the same round table my family possessed every Saturday for years...and we ate, we talked, we laughed...little Ingrid and the kids had lunch and then we all left.

I headed off to the pharmacy, popped two of the Rx tablets before even left the building, then, once I was home, I walked to the park when I saw the garage door was open and the bikes were gone.  I loved Ethan being able to ride around and "jump" curbs the way I wished I could have when I was a child (I lived in the country - no sidewalks available)

Pictures:  The ant eyes at the park; I helping M make cinnamon rolls; E & I watching a cartoon together; I and M posing for the pictures.  <3

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