Monday, December 8, 2014

December 8, 2014

I'm quietly excited: I'm breaking self-imposed bonds of this ridiculous world I've created and it feels freeing. I do this to myself constantly, focus on impossible so I can avoid reality. So now, I focus on what I put before me.  <excellent empowering words!!! Right????> 

Today at work, the class really its own…an  ED (therapeutic services)class  to a T.  The  During ICT, the class was shown an incredible video made by a young lady,  Amanda Todd.   Extremely powerful.  I watched it again with my kids later.  <3

Picked my kids up – both of them, which was terrific.  Ethan seemed happier than he has been in months – getting to go home after school instead of staying for study hall had a terrific effect on him. 
I wanted to pick up a few items for these egg and veggie snacks/breakfasts that I saw, and by chance, the seafood truck was there with an incredible deal on crab and lobster: I managed 3 crabs and 1 lobster for 34 dollars….  Somehow that also put a smile on our faces.    

Over to  the dollar store so Mags could pick up items for her Secret Santa at school…Ethan and I decided to be Secret Santas for each other, since we don’t have one, and then Mags felt left out, so we’ll all Secret Santa each other.  Good times.  Noticed some older ladies there, (“adorable!!” Said Ethan.  “Won’t I be adorable?”  I asked, “No, because you’ll be doing wheelies in the parking lot and I’ll have to explain all about you to them….   Hmmm.  I’m not sure who “them” is).  The clerk called for the next customer in line and one of the ladies hustled over and yelled for her friend to get in line…”I said the next customer in line,” repeated the clerk, but none of us were willing to take on the grannies, so they scored.  Old age…I think it’s a scam.  <grin>

Home where I heated up 2 crabs and smashed them right up.  I think I’d be a good crabber.  Saved the other stuff for Wednesday.  Ethan and I had a blast eating and Mags had some pasta with butter.  Lots of laughter around the dinner table.  I helped Ethan with some homework – he has more assigned for tomorrow night.  We then watched some tv together and I laughed, which made them laugh, which made me laugh.  These days with me kids..when we can smile – are so much more special after difficulties.  Mags told me to close the door as I was saying goodnight and she shared a secret about a “him.”  I looked at that beautiful child, who is so lovely and mature, and I was honored, thinking of how recently, she was the tiny baby who would stretch out in her crib while sucking on her bottom lip…suddenly this baby is sitting here telling me about a boy.

I love my children.

Pictures:  At the high school:  Who do I work with?  A bunch of radical hippies?; Ethan playing in the snow at Forklift, the "new" store.

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