Thursday, February 12, 2015

Febraury 12, 2015

 It is difficult, at times, to be so ultra-aware of the actions (or lack thereof) of others, because I often take it personally, whether it is so or not.  There are so many emotionally-based thoughts coursing through my brain and I act accordingly, trying to hide my hurt feelings but feeling them so readily.  Soap operas were never interesting to me, most likely because I have one on a loop in my head. <self-drama queen>

It was probably not a very wise idea to take off my boots and walk a mile and a half at Union Mine today.  I ended up with blisters on my feet (despite being a barefoot runner a few years ago – my poor feet aren’t used to it anymore) and <get this> shin splints…FROM WALKING (though at a very brisk pace).  The silver lining is this:  At the end of day three with my FitBit, I walked 15, 620 steps, following yesterday’s 10,200+ and Tuesday’s 5,200+.  Each day I’m up five thousand steps.    So much for taking it easy.

I received the news from my sister that we closed the sale of La Bodega Odessa today.  The final part is complete.  I’m a little sad, but very happy that Sally will be re-opening it soon and hope that Odessa treats her right.   She has a lot of experience in the restaurant business and even managed La Bodega Odessa for a while when my father was alive, so she knows the ropes.  If anyone can make it a success, it is Sally.  I wish her the best.

Group tonight with Jen was absolutely electrifying.  She ran half of group and I ran half of it and once it was finished, she told me I was a natural, that I had done an incredible job.  Do you have any IDEA how those words meant  to me, coming from someone as gifted and skilled as she is?!?!  It took half a lifetime, yet I believe I am finally in my perfect profession – all of those extremely difficult life situations finally paying off in dividends for me.  Now to help others, so that all those mistakes I’ve made do someone some good.

And now…a four day weekend (which I didn’t learn of until 4th block yesterday).  I’m very excited.  I shall sleep in tomorrow, have coffee and cake (!!!) for breakfast, clean, do some yoga and try to beat 15,000 steps, then see my client tomorrow evening.  It will be a glorious weekend of preparing a garden and taking the dogs for a hike with my valentine, Mother Nature.  Monday I’ll pick up the kids and we will go on a biking adventure in Folsom.  Life is Beautiful. 

Pictures:  Shadows of my basketball players today; Hoop!; Strong-willed solutions....  

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