Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 18, 2015

This morning was perhaps one of the greatest in recent memory:  I introduced the kids to the soundtrack of The Rocky Horror Picture Show (dance included)…and Life was good.  Initially, I put it on the original London cast, but moved it over to Tim Curry and The Group I Love.  I’ve had “Time Warp” in my head all day long (“It’s just a jump to the left…and take a step to the ri-iiiight.”)

On the way to school, I put it on KNBR 680 since today is Pitchers and Catchers Report!  The first item we heard was of a double chin discussion in college and I knew right away they were talking about Pablo’s weight.  Sure enough – BAM! “It isn’t our worry, anymore….”  I am very excited about this season (even though it’s an odd year) and look forward to watching games on the app I bought.  School was ok – busy.  I walked another mile (but my FitBit was at home).  During lunch I started getting sharp pains again in the “region of my right ovary.”  Well, hell.  Not this mess again.  My son even mentioned that I looked pregnant this morning because I am either bloated or swollen  or..chunky.  I am hoping it is swelling and that I’ll slim down a bit soon.  

After school I headed to meet for Ethan’s 504 meeting.  Poor kid sat in there with his three teachers, the dean of students and his two parents and probably felt like the whole world was looking down at him.  There was a lot of discussion, initially, on heis strengths and challenges in class, but suddenly, things started to change…and the issue which I have long felt Ethan has dealt with was brought to the table by one of his teachers who also has a special needs child: Sensory Processing Disorder.  Things started clicking for teachers who have known him a long time and have seen him through the years.  I wanted to jump up and cheer – what I have been saying for years is finally being recognized and agreed upon.  Accommodations were thought of and discussed.  It was over an hour and a half(E wasn’t in there the whoel time), but I am so very grateful.  It was an extremely productive meeting.

We headed home and a light dinner was made individually.  Ethan and I got down and started his homework as I set up my “Track Your Hours” account.  It has taken a little bit of time, but I feel I will really start building hours up soon very soon.  The evening wound down as Ethan handed my handmade Native American drum from my wall and I started drumming, which I turned into a Queensryche song (it just flowed).  He got on my gong and started that going…Mags was recording it all from the living room for future blackmail use.  Beautiful times in a Happy Home.

Things are…coming together.  I’m happy and feeling that the long ride towards my Master’s degree will be over soon.  I couldn’t be more thrilled with my supervisor at my practicum site and look forward to this summer.  

Picture:  The beautiful Giants orange sunset as captured by Maggie out of my back window on our drive home tonight. 

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