That’s what the
clock told me when I looked at it as I woke up.
On a freakin’ Sunday!!
And Mother’s
Days, no less.
That irritated/thrilled
me to no end, because I was able to TRY to go BACK to the horrific dream I was
having, rather than rush to head to work. Around 8 something, I finally called
it quits and got up.
No breakfast in
bed, no dogs barking because the kids were here and knocking on the door…that was
kinda odd.
First Hipnic-less Mother’s
Day home in a while and I’m all alone, so I started on laundry.
By 11, the resentment was THERE. WTF!
He’d said he’s drop them off…I was grateful for divorce as I remembered
too many things in marriage. Finally I
get a call, as Mags wished me a Happy Mother’s Day and then…40 minutes later
they were here.

Ethan had decorated the bottle he’d found when we were
camping with his friend a few weeks ago and Mags had made some cards for
I was also presented with a new pair
of sunglasses.
From weed-eater to Kmart
It was good to be with the kids,
That’s really all that matters.
There were a couple of plans. I had decided that a Yeti would be a good
idea for all the stuff we do (I justify the hell out of everything) and Mags
had money for a long board. I also had
made reservations at Café Mahjaic for a late dinner and there was still
walking/biking/boarding on the list of things to do. I was also so very dizzy much of the day,
which hadn’t been a fabulous one from the get-go. Expectations kick my ass every time.

At the end of it, the best part of the day was dinner.
The food was simply so divine that I
reaffirmed why I can never be a vegetarian.
Ethan had never been here before, but Mags had when I took her and
Olivia (with Ingrid) here.
This is where
Ingrid was letting her pink yard flamingo, “Bobo” (from CVS) look out the window.
I need to take my kids to fancier places and
dress them better when we attend such locations.
I felt guilty – I had been to cotillion and
was a pre-debutante (long story) and here I needed to teach my kids about how
to hold themselves.
I shall start having
dinning sessions with them.
Still – it was
a lot of fun and I came home much happier than I had left it.
Pictures: Cafe Mahjaic; Think Love? No; Mags boarding and Ethan biking.
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