I heard the cars zooming in before I awoke, and there was
such a fear of the island I was guarding being inhabited by others as today was
the free-for-all.
The day consisted of
mostly sitting in the area, greeting people as they come in.
Lizzie was right there, so how could I not?
So many people came up to me, recognizing
Lizzie from the stories and pictures.

Cheri, Tim’s cousin, had the incredible bus tarps, in which
people would get their pictures taken every year.
They were placed on either side of the bus.
Still, every fest has its assholes and this
year, for year two (she was in the area last year; also), a woman parked her
car in front of the Mother Hips bus, blocking the last three feet.
When I asked if they could possible move
their car back a few feet, I was told by a man that pictures could still be
made at an angle.
He was an ass,
I walked off.
Later, she moved her car and blocked the
entire bus, so I just took it down.

The music started at 4, but I hung out here in camp as
everyone arrived:
Angela, Jarrod, and
Georgia, then Jessica, Ricky and the boys.
Setting up camp and decorating with lights was fun.
Soon, we headed down (after a dinner of
pasta) and were hanging out.
I walked
across the bridge at one point and Scott drove by, handing me my tea from a couple of weeks ago
(love him).
We were ready for the Mother Hips.
There was an amazing laser show in the trees, as well as a smoke

I hung out in the back most of the time, walked around.
I hate how I feel so lonely at points, I
really really really do….
Yet I am so
thankful to be a part of such an incredible community <except for the assholes>.
After, Joette and I raced up the hill to the
tavern and I was BLOWN AWAY (new man crush musician) by Ian Moore, out of
His voice, his guitar playing, his moves.
I had more sex that night in the tavern than I’ve had in 3 years.
I’m serious.
Eventually, Joette and I came down the hill and she headed back
to her camp.
Then rest of the folks and I
headed up again as the BroCo guys (filling in for the Sensations as Greg had an
issue with his voice) were playing (as an aside, today they are playing at a
wedding and Ben and I had a conversation about them playing at my imaginary
wedding in the park in New York City for hundreds of thousands of people –
typical late night ridiculousness that was made special). Headed down to camp for the last time, where
I sang a bit with Ricky as he played guitar. He
wandered off to join the jam across the river and I sat with Angela and Jessica
and we had a lovely Gathering of the Women early into the morning. Still, sleep is sleep, so at 4 something, I went
into my bus to drink hot water to warm up, eat bits of honey from a roadside
stand, read, then call it a night.
Pictures: The buses before they were blocked; Jess and I doing pics a bit backwards; Beautiful decorations made by Marcy. I've saved some and will bring them back next year; Ian Moore - sex via guitar/voice; The Mother Hips, "Song for JB"
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