Monday, May 18, 2015

May 16, 2015

The reggae joy awoke me at the perfect time in the morning…after the trash trucks had picked up all the bottles.  The morning was a slow awakening, but sooo nice…. Under the beautiful trees with lights and pennant banners with beautiful people everywhere (except for the assholes).  Doris made crepes for everyone.  REALLY.  We had eggs, potatoes, bacon  and crepes.

I met some incredible people on this adventure.  One of them happened to be a little three year old  girl named Neomi who stole my heart.  She called me “girlfriend.”  This little angel and I played and danced and explored so many things.  I miss little ones.  One of my best life memories was seeing her about 50 feet away and yelling, “Hi, girlfriend!”  she had such a look of pure joy on her face as she stopped in the road, both hands flew to her cheeks and she yelled back, “Hi, girlfriend!!!”  and then ran into my arms.  <love>

The day was magical.   I missed Light Fantastic, so my show began with Kyle Field & Little Wings.. such an entertaining group – all wearing the matching turquoise shirts. Woods was next – and I’d heard many great things about them.  Jonathan Wilson, one hell of a skilled and (might I add) a teensy bit sexgod of a musician was next.  A couple I know, Todd and Betsy, showed me once again how even after 20 years, some couples are still so in love it makes my heart smile.  I love their love.   <smile> I was really enjoying the day shows, but was tired and headed up for a dinner and rest.  By the time I came down again it was time for the Mother Hips.    Greg’s voice had not accompanied him to Hipnic, so Grahame Lesh and Nicki Bluhm filled it.  
There was another tavern show going on, so I trucked up again with others.  Sitting outside of the very crowded tavern, it was asked about men in my life.  I commented sarcastically “Yes, don’t you see the crowds of men swarming around me.  I beat off men every night.”   Yes.  I said that. <it’s not true, though>

Late night.  Actually early night, as it was past midnight…we were all sitting around the campfire.  The fire was slowly dying as embers struggled to stay alight…and then, Dan walked in, telling us Kyle Field from Little Wings was just outside our camp, and could he come in, could he hang out and play?  YES!!  ABSOLUTELY!!    Once the guitar was retrieved, the fire stoked, the chair situation settled, he played and ohhhhhh…pure heaven from his mouth as the harmony was perfected with another Little Wings member.  For a good hour they stayed and entertained us with their musical gifts.  My eyelids were not participating though, and despite an interesting private show, including songs of portals and howling and all sorts of other weird shit from Artemis/Maxie/Jaqueline (I’m not sure we ever decided what her true name was), I had to go to bed.  The weird factor was too much.

 Pictures: Betsy and Todd = love;  Campsite 9! JJ, Angela and Doris; Felicia, Brian and Joette; My Hipnic husband, Jarrod; Hipnicers Hipnicking; 20 second snippet of Kyle Field singing in our campsite

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