I was
in bed early last night, but 3 or 4 episodes of my show kept me
sleeping until the usual time I go to sleep. I slept deeply, though. I think I'm
feeling some power...maybe that's the wrong word. I'm feeling more
secure in myself. I hate to make it sound like I'm this scared
child...I'm really not. Promise. "Act as if" -this is how I walked
into work. As if everything is ok...because really, it is. I've got it
pretty good -it's all a learning experience for me, about myself, about
how I play with others. I noticed something which
I understood (my perception, which isn't always right) to be
an olive branch: writing on the board (as an example for a student) of
the NFL with Dallas (my team) above Philly (his team). 15 days.

Bell! Time for supervision! I mentioned to the buffer (the sub) that I
was off to my second job and quickly headed out. Quick stop to get
Lizzie in for an ignition starter and then to Susan. This time, there
were cases to discuss and I was pleased that my initial diagnosis was
correct. I don't have the verbiage yet, but once I'm seeing more
clients it'll be terrific.
CRB!!! Into the car and off to Nevada City where I made record time to
sit and wait. I think if if I lived in this area instead, I might be
more peaceful with my surroundings. This is such a lovely area.
The show was pretty cool. Other than the fact that I don't know many of
these self-proclaimed freaks, I

like the vibe better than at Hip shows:
it's calmer, more laid back. I was able to introduce to my dreamboat
man-crush-musician, Neal Casal, by doing some name-throwing (my music sister Shari
Neece), but I didn't want to be groupie-like and let him be after the
introduction. I don't think he fell in love with me, but we'll see
("act as if" see above). After break, the vibe shifted a bit...men kept
grabbing me and wanting to dance (which brought back Bob nightmares from
a BroCo show here in Nevada City a few years ago). I retreated to the
back and stayed to myself. I truly believe I'm becoming a spinster
As the last song began, I said my goodbyes and headed out. I didn't
want to be caught in the throngs of

people leaving. "Old" U2 (pre
Joshua Tree)was my accompaniment....many of these songs I haven't heard
since I lived in Switzerland. Beautiful, happy memories. I shaved half an hour in the driving time and am not too late to bed. This is all prep-work for Hipnic.
Pictures: CRB; The Freak flag; Shadow of a thing; My affirmation for today.
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