I met with two financial advisors this morning, sporting my converse and jeans, of course. I always apologize
for my garb, because this is not how I was “trained” in Midland, Texas, but
this who I seem to be now. I think one
day, I would love to wear some fancy clothing, because I enjoy doing that – but
it must be when I feel right, not like now, when my breasts have grown 2 cup
sizes over the weekend. What the hell?!? I’m not lactating…unless maybe you can
lactate with water weight.
Seriously. This is the pits. I refuse
to go buy another D bra that fits better.
I headed to Office Depot because as I was printing out Austrian
passport stuff, my printer said, “Thanks, but I’m out” and my ink(which is
supposed to suit this printer) did not work at all. Off to
the store to get some stupid vegetables and then I sat eating a rice paper
vegetable wrap, pondering and listening to Radio aus Deutschland und Zürich. Shockingly, the big news is about FIFA and
Sepp Blatter, of course. That and the Ukraine
and Angela Merkel. I'm can feel
Switzerland... I smell the beauty of Zürich and God, how my heart misses it!!
I'm so excited to get things moving.
Ethan has faith that I can get us thereby next summer if my licensure
isn't important. We'll see. Smart
moves..smart moves.
I went to the bank next to bank next to take care of my
safety deposit box and deposit my pay check form work. As I stood there, I overheard the lady next
to me mention how her car had been broken into and her rent check and phone
check had been stolen..how much was it to cancel checks? When she was told, per check, she mentioned, quite distraught, how she couldn’t
afford that and holy hell, how I empathizes, because I have been there so many
times! So I did what I was supposed to
do and write the bank teller a note. She
smiled, the supervisor smiled and asked if she could tell her – NO! I don’t want her to know..I don’t even want
to share it here except for the fact that I’d forget and being able to do this
made my day. It isn’t about credit, it’s
about being able to help out the way I have been helped out, and for that I am
so grateful.
So I picked up Ethan, we headed home and got to work on chapter
two in our scuba lesson. I made dinner
and we ate while we learned. In my
opinion, Bar(metric)is much easier to learn/use than ATA/psi. We’ll see on Saturday. Back to work tomorrow…at my site, to work on my "human" potential and my future. <smile> Ethan introduced me to Mr. Bean, so we watched that together, as I laughed breathlessly. <3
Picture: My note to the teller. Lordy, I was initially nervous..thought she'd hit the silent alarm button.
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