Had to get to work, my client was going to show up in mere minutes.... As I waited in the back with other therapists, I received the Grand News that Karen's desk was now available. I have a desk! I'm so excited!
Rushed home, The Boy is up (Girl was awake as I left for my early client), loaded the kids in the car and we headed to Dolphin. We unloaded fairly quickly, I grabbed the kid's paper work and off to Auburn for expedited passports! By this time, crank is occurring (as in "iness") and I knew they needed food, but we Had To Get Passports finished! Boy threw his fit, Girl was rather sanctimonious.... It was a fabulous time, fer sure. Throw in hundred degree temps and it was a regular laugh fest. She wanted this <Jamba Juice>, he wanted that <In-'n-Out> and the car wanted gas <Flyers gas station>, all three of which I missed as I am not accust9omked to Auburn and had no "Hey! There it is!" from the kids. Yet - as in Life, a gas station appeared, and right behind it sat a Foster's Freeze, which *everyone* can agree on. This was a good sign.
Headed home and started packing. I couldn't think to save my life and it was rather frustrating. I knew I was forgetting a lot and I went back in the house 5 times before I finally left, but it did (eventually) happen. I was happy. Dude in a VW bus waved at me, I waved at him - of course! We are family! Then it happened. After an attempt to fill up on gasoline, Lizzie wouldn't start. Oh hell no...temps in teh triple digits and I am in a bus somewhere. There was sweat, there were tears. I was at a point of end (new phrase!!) Yet I waited..and sat..and contemplated. Finally, an employee named Vince came out and asked if I was still having trouble filling up..I said no, the bus wouldn't start that I needed to get some oil in her, but the lid was on too tight. He couldn't get the oil lid off, either, but somehow hefinally I pulled in. I saw Victoria's bus sitting all alone, but pulled in to see where I should park. They said if I could find a spot in camping, that was fine. Victoria came in and convinced me to park by her, so that's what I did.
managed to get the whole thing off (it had been torn off before). I put some oil in. Eventually, she started right back up. She just needed a cool down, I think, and some juice. I continued the drive and finally...
I set up my sweet Lizzie Mae. It took minutes, so I decided to set up the awning in the dark. It was at this point that it was pointed out the gas cap missing. Ohhellno. Things were NOT GOOD. I seriously considered just sleeping, but I heard the Hips and went in. Initially I stood in the back, but Jeff Miller pulled me up front. I'm so glad he did. I saw my Hips family!! Sarah and Jimmie! Shala and Jeff! Shari and Keith! The music started in my blood and soon I was right there, dancing and alive again. Scott Thunes saw me and smiled, shaking his head as he saw me filming. What an incredible set! Shari grabbed the set list for me after - it was almost complete, except for three songs they had added. Towards the end, there was an incredible Pacific Dust into Magazine which I managed to capture on film - pure gold. After, Shari came and sat in my bus with me and we spoke for a while.
What an incredible way to end the day.
Picture: My one picture from the weekend. So sad all my pictures were erased. :(
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