Monday, June 15, 2015

June 14, 2015

Didd.Not.Want.To.Get.Up. I was hatinghatinghating the fact that I had to get up and tear down. In all actuality, I was hating the fact that I would have to move as I'm fastidiously working on becoming a sloth.   But the heat would be kicking in soon, so it was now or never...and really, once I got moving it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated (is it ever)?  The terrific thing here is I had my coffee prepped and it was soon ready (this makes for a near-perfect morning).

Here is the Neat Thing:  the folks who'd camped next to me in an airstream and an AMAZING vintage camper were people I knew!  Well, knew them through the MH site.  It was Ryan Witt and his family with friends of theirs.  If there is one great thing, it is getting to know people who are family.  

I was so grateful Shari and Keith stopped to say goodbye on their way out – that lady and I had have so much in common.  Jeff Miller also stopped and I look ever-so-forward to seeing his bus restoration.  If I had someone to help me, I’d do everything myself on mine.  Soon, I was the only one left – everyone else had left.  I stopped for a breakfast at the Lodge and spoke with the locals.  They were thrilled with the events taking place and realized the economic boost brought to the community was valuable.  It was so good to heat this!  

I headed back home, pulling over for everyone behind me so as not to hold them up.  I stopped by the same gas station (bought more oil to add) yet no gas cap.  I’ll have to buy one. When I got home, I unpacked immediately and posted some pics from the weekend,  I am SO glad I did this as I ended up losing ALL the photos when I upgraded.  The issue with never having backed up your phone is that you have never backed up your phone. I need an Applehead (my new name for Apple geeks) to hang out with me for a few hours.

After spending an hour plus on line with an Apple person, I gave up.  There could be worse things.  I could have missed the whole weekend….  I was SO SAD to see the loss of that 20 minute video, but I guess this is where the “fighting the water upstream” is pointless.  Go with the flow, Ali, go with the flow.


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