I was in so much pain last night
my boobs hurt and they didn’t even
do anything – they just kinda sat there.
I made a point of rolling muscles to rid the lactic
acid and when I awoke, I was grateful that the pain was at a bare minimum,
given the circumstances.
I was able to
walk freely, without needing to contort my face due to indescribable muscular
suffering (plus, “Eye of the Tiger” was my earworm this morning, which helped
me work through it all like a champion)
Tuesday are somewhat busy, but I had a fairly easy day ahead
of me and looked forward to getting in there and re-living the thrill of
Knowing-What-The-Hell-I’m-Doing. Until I
got there…because suddenly – I didn’t.
All that knowledge was gone, had disappeared like Dust in the Wind
(thank you, Kansas). Fortunately, today
was individual supervision day , which meant I got to ask questions. I am also aware of the steep learning curve
and the difference between class and real-life, so unless everyone is lying to
me, I know I’m doing ok.

My first appointment missed and needed to reschedule for
later that day, which meant the rest of my day
was slam-packed.
Any free time to
write prog notes or other disappeared.
Client to group to client.
Not necessarily
tough when you’re seasoned, yet I was still looking for missing parts of the group
I needed to facilitate.
During that group,
however, I heard the sweetest words to a therapist’s ears – a client insisted
on seeing me while her primary therapists took vacation time.
<Heart beaming>
I also learned today that my sweet boy is moving – next week
will be our last session. I was able to
work with him, and hopefully help dad out a bit with some suggestions. After some more paperwork (though I have
notes to catch up on), I left, almost 9 hours after I showed up. Much to my chagrin, a last minute change in the
schedule had meant no prepared dinner and a necessary trip to the store (I got
salad items) (which I did not eat – yet) (there is always tomorrow). No gym today – I get two days off a week, so it
seems today was one of them. My plan is get up earlier tomorrow – head in –
work out and home, shower, work.

My tribe was amazing – all chores done, excellent moods, and
lovely, smiley faces.
Not going to class
and living in homework is great (except for my 1.7 <one is begun> case
studies and my Capstone – which will be on my soon-to-move client.
My body is in pain again now as it remembers
I haven’t told it yet that we
are doing the same thing tomorrow morning.
Pictures: Bruise from running into workout equipment; Maggie's "best" foot on a self-pedi; Ethan made Mountain Dew jello
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