My back and body were hurting so damn bad that when the alarm
went off at 7, I reset it for 8, thinking I’d just go to the gym in the afternoon. It would seem I make my best decisions when I’m
“asleep.” At 8, I decided that another
23 minutes was best, but I somehow never made it back to sleep, so up and at ‘em.
Got dressed, and headed off to the gym. Spoke to Jake in the parking lot, then
Gabriella at the front desk inside. It wasn’t until I
stepped in front of a mirror that I saw I had protein powder all over my nose. A quick workout, covering everything I
learned the Monday except extension abs on the ball (I forgot), them home to
shower and off to work.
The terrific thing about this place is that…I have found my
work tribe. Group supervision was great –
a bunch of like-minded people. I feel I
am no longer an outsider, which has always been the case the case in the class
room. It is terrific to be where I
belong. As Jen and I were picking up
dinner, she told me such awesome things..about me as a therapist!! This is coming from one of the coolest
therapists I’ve ever known (ultimate compliment)!
Boy and I went to Home Depot after group and purchased security
cameras, which we installed. This place
is getting to be too much. I had better
luck when I lived in a really bad part of Ft. Worth. Guess all the search copters with lights kept
me safe.
Pictures: Smoke in the evening sky from nearby wildfire; Some of Ethan's creations today.
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