Sunday, August 23, 2015

August 22, 2015

Woke up with plans on checking out Lizzie to take her on a beach adventure with Joette.  Not feeling well, I knew that the inside of the bus would be much better than the inside of a Marmot tent on the cool coast.  I also worked on my functional résumé, something new to me.  I’ve always been a chronological one, myself.  Susan, the Supervisor from Heaven, let me know she was on her way to The Bookery and could look over what I had, plus loan me a book to improve my resume skills.  I threw on workout clothes, a little sunscreen, for odoriferous benefit, and headed out.

Oh, joy of joys, we have two picketers here in front of the former Carrow’s, with some signs against Stem Express (a biomedical research facility).  The signs had words such as “chopped up baby parts”, etc.  These are the idiots who shouldn’t be allowed any type of benefit from research when their loved one is diagnosed with cancer.  The fact is, fetuses don’t make it; the fact is, we can prevent things such as that by medical research.  Go back under your rock….  I didn’t say anything.  I did call the police to see if protesters needed a permit.  They don’t.  <sad face>.  I met with Susan and her Ally and, oohhhmyyyy…  I can gain so much wisdom by just being near this lady!!  Once at home, I looked for camp sites, saw none were available and realized that, in my physical state, I needed to stay home.  My headthroat (a new compound word) was not well, so despite having vacuumed out the bus, I let Joette know it would be a back and forth trip.

Around 3ish4, I began the journey to Sebastopol.  IF I were to stay in this Land of California, this is the area I would want to make my home.  Surely some of the buyers of antiques would need therapy right? The journey was a nice one as I listened to The BookThief on the way.  Soon enough, I made to the HopMonk parking lot and found Joette.  This woman is all sorts of rad and I was sad that plans on heading up to her part of the land had not been realized this summer.  We walked to Whole Foods, where she bought stuff and I loaded up on herbalorganicveganfreetradewholesomewhatever stuff to help me feel better.  Then, to a natural food restaurant called Slice of Life where the cook had split and they were filled to the brim with customers.  We sat outside with Lyon being ever-so-cute <why do I never have a calm dog?> until it grew chilly and we managed a table inside.   We ate…we talked…we shared…we left.  Soon, the Hips were on.

WHY  do I experience such intense Camus-influenced Absurdism at Hips shows????  Seriously – what the fuck is going on in my head?  This evoked-journey of inherent value and Life’s meaning seems to appear as soon as the face of certain people are seen at shows- people I haven’t shared more than 4 words with - and I’m unsure as to why.  It’s a step back into junior high for me and I told Joette I just want to go…leave..escape to Europe where I know no one and can begin again.  And this was in the parking lot, I hadn't even stepped inside yet….

Yet inside, though the feelings remained <always>, the lovely music put a damper on the emotions.  The first set was acoustic and ohhmyygawddwow!  These guys.  Such incredible sound!  I heard Motorhome..and quickly shut down a man who was creating a ruckus with my “mom glare.”   I could feel my eyes start to tire, along with my body, and thus, during the second set, I left as there were still a handful of songs left.  I had a long drive, though with no traffic I easily shaved half an hour off the drive.  Not being drunk also helps in those situations.  Tomorrow – my plan is to give myself permission to not Do.  I might very well hit day 3 of no gym, no house cleaning, no nothing.  It’ll be tough, because holy gawd, I want to empty this house, but I need to not get sick with my throathead.

Pics 'n flicks:
Lyon waits as Joette and I eat; The Joy of Sects, reframing, indeed; Joette and Me at HopMonk; The Mother Hips Magic

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