Saturday, August 8, 2015

August 8, 2015

Get It DONE.  I had promised the pups a walk first thing in the morning, so after my coffee and such, that is precisely what we did.  Despite my plans to food prep tomorrow, I didn’t bring anything to go to the farmer’s market because my habit is to buy tons of stuff, then much goes un-eated and I want to learn this correctly.  After I clipped some dog nails, we had a terrific walk. I stopped and smelled the roses, thinking of my neighbor Amber, who died a year ago today from a very aggressive ovarian cancer.  <3  In town, there were renaissance woman with hawks, yet unfortunately, I did not see blue police box anywhere in the vicinity, so I knew they were only in costume <stupid reality>  I also noticed with sadness that Carrow’s, that place of so many early AA memories, is closed and was told it will become a Jack Russell Brewery.  Hmmm…. Isn’t Jack Russell the lead singer for Great White? #Saveallyourlove

At home I got busy sorting and organizing, which is a task because I get caught up in one thing which branches off to another, to another, to another until suddenly I remember what I was doing in the first place.  This is quite common amongst people, as I’ve read enough jokes on it to know I’m not the only one, so I’m in acceptance.  I found that twig Ethan brought me over 11 years ago.  All the leaves had fallen off, so I tossed it away (which still hurts), but really.  What will I do with a  twig?  I think posting the picture of it in here is best as it’ll be here a long, long time. I also found rose petals and leaves in an old 1957 German Hemingway novel I have.  I have no idea who gave them to me.  Someone in Switzerland, which narrows it down to two gentlemen, but I’m not sure which one.  I really should write notes. CAKE was doing a fine job assisting me as that zippy beat kept me moving and motivated.  I even got stuff out to sell online which I’m not willing to donate (a Charles White lithograph, 5 seasons of Monk, plus other extremely important stuff I have no use for).  I may have to try Craig and his list, which makes me nervous.  

IT WAS TIME TO HIT THE GYM!  I say this with excitement because changes are starting and you know what it is?  That MMA program on Octane machine.  Actually I’m sure it’s a combination of everything, but I actually feel it on MMA in my quads, plus the something-something machine  with my biceps.  The muscles are flexed when I’m done and it takes them quite some time to lose their excitement.  There were a couple of guys who came in together and the one kept looking at me.  I will emphatically state here and now that I am not one of those hot sexy women at the gym: my face is red, the sweat is pouring off,  hair is always looking ridiculous and then there is the reason I’m there in the first place, my extra cushioning.  Still, I LOVE the fact that I am NOT DEAD and enjoy a good look at the men-folk, provided, of course, that they wipe their equipment down after use. <wicked grin>
After my protein shake, I headed home and started cooking dinner – grilled chicken, Brussels sprouts and quinoa.  As I did so, I played an old Eddie Murphy cassette on my Crosley that Richard, a friend in Switzerland, had made for me when I lived in Zurich.  The tape still worked!  This was one of my favorite things to listen to and I’m glad I have it.   Once dinner was complete, I had a dessert protein shake with the cacao paste and a little kefir.  My fitness app (recommended by Jake) announced that if I eat like this every day, I’ll be down 10 pounds in 5 weeks and it isn’t even taking in the exercise I do at the gym.  I haven’t weighed myself since I began, I‘ll just wait until it is necessary I see what the scale says.  As long as I am making progress, which I know I am, it’s ok.  

My body was quite sore, so I only cleaned a bit more as I listened to my 80s mix tapes(and yes, "Save All Your Love" was on there.  Universe is quite clever) .  I was surprised I knew which song would come next as I haven’t heard this tape since the late 80s.  I took a hot bath, relaxed and now I look forward to sleep.  A very full day, indeed.

 Pictures:  My Very Special Twig from Ethan when he was a toddler; "The Old Man and the Sea" hold a rose for me from long ago;  I took time to smell all 5 varieties of roses; Hawks in Hangtown  and teh dogs did great: didn't do a thing.

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