Sunday, August 9, 2015

August 9, 2015

Confusion over which day it was, which country I was in, back to which day it was…this was my morning.  I must have been dreaming of Other Lands Far Away.  It HURT getting up initially, but I knew that black gold in the kitchen would soon remedy that issue.  The house still doesn’t look like much, if anything has been done to it, and really, I feel I just moved stuff around, kinda like  kid with his vegetables on the dinner plate.  I popped in one of my Anthrax tapes (I LOVE saying that!) and went nuts.  Mabi was looking at me with the obvious and evident “Oh, shit, we’ve got a live one” look in her eyes as I performed onstage “Bring the Noise”  < Listen for lessons I'm saying inside music that the critics are all blasting me for.  They'll never care for the brothers and sisters  now, cause the country has us up for the war, we got to demonstrate, come on now, they're gonna have to wait, till we get it right, radio stations I question their blackness, they call themselves black, but we'll see if they'll play this >  Seriously.  I’ll perform at your next party.  <Pssst!! I also know Run DMC>

Time for the park!  I was meeting a woman at 1 to sell a jewelry box so I thought ½ an hour of running around would be good.   I gathered some pears from the tree there and Mabi was nuts with that basketball…she bounced it on her nose so many times and was in heaven.  After 25 minutes, though, I see that the crazy Heeler was bleeding pretty badly from her mouth (she attacks that ball and just doesn’t quit) so I dropped them at home and went to meet the lady.  Seriously?  I could be such a kick ass drug dealer..just meet them at the location, exchange goods and off we go on our separate ways.  I felt very sneaky (except that it was a fairy jewelry box and not black tar heroin, which I’m against, anyway, so it would be a huge conflict of interest for me).

OFF TO GET FOOD FOR PREPPING!  I had two places I would visit:  Trader Joe’s because of meats and Winco for produce and containers.  I noticed, however, that the “All natural” labels at TJ are similar to meats I can get just about anywhere.  Plus, do you KNOW how HARD it was for me not to get YUMMY stuff there?  So I went to Winco and got produce, etc and headed home.  The cooking part kinda awesome and I wondered, as lazy and unexcited as I am nowadays about cooking, WHY haven’t I done this before?  I’m totally on board with eating the same few foods for a while and then changing it up.  I get it.  I have a few containers ready for the next few days and I look forward to seeing how it goes.  I am in my zone.  As soon as the thought of That Food Which I Love appears, I push it on out and think about other stuff, like how great I am feeling.

GYM TIME!  Am I weird to say I’ve been looking forward to this all day?  I like how it makes me feel during and afterwards.  I noticed, under glistening sweat on my shoulders, that muscles are remembering the way it once was and are starting to poke their heads out.  My bulges are lessening (unless I do that one squat – that isn’t pretty at all).  Jake’s plan is to stabilize me first, so really I’m doing a mix up of the same exercises.  I won’t see him for almost 2 weeks, so I hope to be ready for weights by then.  Those two guys were back again.  This time, they saw me pre-red face, but I threw myself into some Ratt and MMA and soon the face was back.  There was also a lovely man to gaze at, surreptitiously  here and there, as he did pull-ups the way I walk – without effort.  Oh my…and then when I did some free weights he kept walking in front of me are near me.  Now stop right there.  No, absolutely not!  I know what I look like in there and plus I’m at least 10 years older, but still!!!  It’s like Christmas shopping without getting a bill.  I love it.  I really should remember that Mags says these black spandex-y pants are see-through, but HOW is that possible?  They're black <whatever it takes to gt a guy, though, right????? j/k>.
Home to eat my first prepped meal, which was great.  I am eating for the effect, not the taste (as I do with That Food I Love).  I also thought about the week beginning tomorrow – I’ve sold my juicer so have to meet the lady with that.  The kids and I are saving up for a Go-Pro, so any money made from sold stuff goes into our jar.  I’ll hit the gym early tomorrow and pick up the girl child and her friend and I’ll start listing my Montessori stuff to sell it.  

Pictures:  TURN IT UP! <bring the noise>; My harvest from the pear tree, Happy dog; My dessert.

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