Another night which lacked sleep, but I was in bed around 11
this time. This morning, I checked on Maggie (of course she was awake), Ethan
had already showered by the time I awoke.
As bad as that phone is, it sure gets him up bright and early.
It’s kinda like the blanket was for Linus, I
think. I saw this morning was the birthday of That Boy that I was going to marry oh, so long ago (when I was in junior high. he remembered the chocolate pudding pop and I remembered the smell of his Halston Z14. Innocent love creates the best memories...

Kids to school then I BUSTED IT AT HOME.
I got into that Capstone project like nobody’s
I would say I am about halfway
done by now.
I think about 1pages and I
still have Treatment and Co9mmunity Health issues to go.
I am going to miss school once I finish this,
yet I was thrilled when Tatjana gave me the idea of art therapy class at
Maybe I can’t make it out that far,
but I can do something!
I also called
and made an appointment for Ethan (they have an opening tomorrow!!) and we are
off the visit the psychiatrist we saw last year.
There is too much damn depression on my side
of the family and I get it that I had a head injury, but I became suicidal and
was a cutter before it was even known about.
I cannot watch my boy go through that Darkness which is depression.

Around 3 I needed to stop because Maggie had a volleyball I
had promised to go watch.
I hadn’t been
out all day and when I looked I was overcome – the sky was an orange brown from
the smoke of the Butte Fire near Jackson.
The fire had jumped from 1,200 acres last night to 4,000 and containment
lines had decreased from 30% to 20% because they were busy protecting structures,
so fire suppression was minimal.
brush is so dry and the live oak is distressed, the fire is powerful. Naturally my coughing loves this air. Halls bag number 5, get ready.

Maggie’s ball game was amazing.
Those girls have a powerful team and they
work so well together.
They won the first
set 25-3 and the second set was 25-19 (though the scoring was wrong and they
really won by 8 points).
Saturday I
plan on talking Maggie to shop for a dress for her first dance with her friend.
Ethan will be at the dance, too.
My babies.

We went to grab some ice cream – Mags bought her brother some
as he slept in the front seat.
He is so
exhausted lately, I’m sure it’s this emotional roller-coaster he is on.
Geez….just wait til your heart is involved, son
<face scrunch of sympathy>.
By the
time we got home and I had made chili (what would I EAT if there were no
chili???), the fire had grown to 14, 700…almost quadrupled in size.
Oh, hell.
God found out about Donald Trump running and is pissed that he’s being
taken seriously.
Pictures: Fire scenes; Oh writing, DSM, how I've missed you <3; Mags at work; Annie and Ethan...during E's homework time, of course....<smh>
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