Have you ever had a near-perfect sleep?
I think I had about three-quarters of one
last night.
Sleep is that favorite
worn-quilt you cozy up in during a gentle thunderstorm.
I got up, told the dogs (whom I didn’t crate
last night, for some odd reason) that it wasn’t time yet (so they stayed out)
and remembered my computer dancing last night: enter this, denied, enter again,
this is denies, enter the info
this way, denied, denied, denied. This dance happened most of yesterday in
several things I was trying to accomplish and I was hesitant to begin again,
but the good news is the AirBnB apartment is ours – right by the lake in
I’m looking so forward to
showing my much-more-grown-children my favorite city again.
I hope, hope, hope this living-there-plan works.
At noon I had group supervision. These are so precious to me and I am saddened
that they are only 2 hours long because they are LESSONS ON LIFE. Before, however, James and I spoke. This man
gave me considerable insight as to ways to work in Switzerland. Learn the parameters then work within them to
give people what is needed. SO much to learn
from this man… if only I could tap into
minds <MindTap – BAM!>. Jen
introduced me to the LunchBox at our office of education which has delicious and
healthy <Jake-approved> lunches, and then…group. At this point I am a baby swimming in the knowledge
of Those Who Know..and I realize I will get
there, too, but I often wonder if I’m speaking the right language.

I had a group to co-facilitate and a client at 5, but I was
so weak that I left
headed home.
Clothes flew off and straight into bed I tumbled.
I am glad this love-of-nudity (or actually,
it’s that I hate the feeling of clothes) has only been recently discovered.
There could have been some really interesting
situations <course, maybe there were, I was a black-out drinker>.
After a bit, I got back on the horse and
tried to get the airline tickets purchased.
I have excellent credit and
I’m very cautious about credit cards.
recently acquired one because of traveling and as a means of paying, but I was
having a difficult time with the Wells Fargo folks.
Not gonna lie, I am not a huge fan of that banking
establishment, but
finally – after about
15th attempts, 3 calls and 5 different agents I got the tickets.
Hotel first, tickets second,
a little backwards, I know, but YAY!

My head/throat/voice sounded so bad at the end of those
phone calls I realized it was time for the big guns.
Cayenne, freshly ground pepper, ginger, lemon
and honey (maybe other stuff ,too, I can’t remember).
Then I put Vick’s on my chest give this cold
a surround-sound effect.
I wish I had
more lemons so I could have drunk gallons of this, but I didn’t have clothes
on, I feel like a run-over banana and the store is way over there…
I completed my last case presentation paper
and wrote
almost a whole sentence on my Capstone paper.

And then I visited TED.
TED is a good guy. I found lots
of interesting topics and started one on depression in which Andrew Solomon
says “Depression is a slow way of being dead,”… and yes, I agree with
that. It isn’t about being sad. Being sad is a feeling, an emotion. Depression is a slow-motion camera placed in
your tired, hopeless, worthless-feeling soul.
I know depression quite well. Today two years ago a friend of mine was
at the end of her depressed rope yet by grace, she called her mother. Today is her second birthday, her LIFE day,
actually, as she wasn’t really “reborn” she was “re-lifed.” So Happy Life Day, Sam and as those boys
sing..”Any legacy of mine is gonna be sunshine and I’ll leave it behind as a
sign of my love for mankind.” <that’s “White Falcon Fuzz” by The Mother Hips
for those of you who didn’t know. Get a
copy today!>
Pics 'n flicks: This is a shirt Sam had made and she post it on her page today...She is our girl for MG clothing. So glad your brightness is here with us, Sam. I remember two years ago and it wasn't pretty. Love you!; Mabi, that poor girl. When I got her I wasn't planning on grad school, and then...; My kitchen tools for tea; 15th time is the lucky one!; in her quiet "I'll just sit here and chew a ball while you write" phase;
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