Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 3, 2015

There is a heavy-thingy sitting on my chest and it is getting heavier.  I felt it all night long and when I awoke, there it was…blinking at me with curiosity.   Oh yeah… just what I need.  Still, I will see that poor client Friday come hell or high water.  First a  funeral, then strep, I refuse to cancel again.   If I have double pneumonia, I’ll be sitting in that room with a handkerchief to cover my coughs.  I started on some German lessons and was overjoyed <sarcasm> to be reintroduced to neuter, feminine and masculine.  Der, die , das, dem, den, ..trrbhtdrtvrdrrbrbrbrberghhghghgfefdegdedcfecddv.

I had a nice little chat with Gio this morning.  I love that A) I am still in touch with him after all these years and B) that he is in Poland and I am in America yet still we communicate.  I also communicated once more with Jake – I think my last text frightened the poor guy – to let him know I am unwell and that I cannot be there today.  I made myself golden milk…and fell in love.  Such sumptuous deliciousness;  I made it with ¾ hemp milk and one quarter 2% milk and I know this will be a nighttime routine of frequency.  Who cares if it’s good for me. Dogs to the park before Mabi's eyes pop out of her head from neurotic-ism....

At two-ish, I headed to school to drop off a tent and the Marmot bag for the boy, then headed to work.  As I passed the roses, I stopped and inhaled deeply.  These roses smell like my sweet and innocent.  It invites all sorts of happy chemicals to dance in my brain.  I walked in…no clients from last week.  Blech.  But then that means my Penelope is current.  Yay!  I received a signed Treatment plan (yay), I made a phone call to schedule a client for tomorrow, (yay) and…and..and.  I saw my transfer client for the first session, (yay) and it went very well (yay).  I scheduled with the whole family in two weeks and shall do a bit of consulting with mom in the meanwhile.  Wrote up the prog notes, filled out Penelope and off I went to try to catch my voice, which was leaving me.  As I left, I smelled those glorious roses again – three times, for good luck.

Now, I’m not a big nail polish person, as most people who know me realize,  but I have had this hankering for a soft neutral shade on my fingers (huh???) and toes.  I pulled into the Safeway shopping area and also thought of more lemons…and salad and chicken.  In that store, as I aimlessly trod through food-laden hallways which made no sense to me, I managed to get those items into my basket. Yet people were plotting and kept pulling in front of me, or circling me like emaciated vultures, waiting for me demise.  Flushes of heat would dance around my head then disappear again.  Suddenly…those eyes..from one of the men I would see at the gym.  The one who looks right through me.  Let me equivocally state here and now there is no attraction.  Besides, I think the guy he is always with  is his partner, because I mean, here they together.  I understand a work-out buddy, but somewhere, one must draw the line  <“No really, I now how to determine which avocados are ripe, thank you kindly…”>.  I paid, left…blinded with the sun in my eyes.. and those same guys drove right at me in their Jeep.  Maybe I’m in an M. Night Shyamalan movie….  And I never did get the nail polish.

Home.  I started cooking, chopping salad..and  started to clean out my fridge.  Not good.  Stay on course.  One Thing At A Time.    A recent practice I am trying to bring back is to only work on one thing at a time, which, for someone with my brain, is tough.  The salad was great, the curry flavored chicken thighs?  Not as good as desired as my first bite was that yucky bite you immediately spit out <which I did>.  Started working on my paper as I have accepted (or self-created) a challenge to present every week of class and finish up at the end of the next term.  This also means payments for my degree can start.  I will present one case study each week and hope to have Capstone finished and ready to go by the last class of the term.  Then I'll be DONE <well, with this part....>

Pictures:  These are the folks I work with.  Love it here; A beautiful creature landed here just as I was wishing for a subject in the butterfly bushes; The heaven-scent <PUN! PUN!> rose; A glorious spreadsheet lies in the sun's rays...created for me by the Head Honcho at New Morning for my Capstone paper.

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