A half ton of gunk
was in my chest this morning.
This does
nothing for the bra size, by the way, it just adds to the pressure of fun
things, like…breathing.
It wasn’t long
before I heard a familiar rumbling down the street, a stop, a door slid open,
then shut, and the dogs flew off my bed like maenadic beasts and raced to the door
where diabolical barking ensued. ”Don’t let them out!” I heard, as I opened the
door (there is a slid metal screen door to open, as well).
Poor UPS guy,
It’s a Queensland, not a Rottweiler who was snipped and now has a high
pitched bark.

The cool thing, the
thing, is that he was delivering I have long coveted, a messenger bad
from..you guessed it, Zürich.
I am
not a purse person and my iPhone,
wallet, water bottle is just too much sometimes, so I got something which is
rugged, built to stand up to a beating (which is good, because the backpack I
got in Costa Rica didn’t even last until I got to the airport there before it
broke). This messenger bag will last me a LONG, LONG time.
It is made from recycled track tarpaulins,
used car seat belts and bicycle inner tubes.
It is rugged.
It is not
It will hopefully outlast a year
with me.
Freitag is a great brand of
messenger bags and now clothing which are made by hand in amazing fashion.
Thrilled I finally have one.
An old
classmate from Switzerland and I were in touch for a bit…he lives in SoCal now,
Without Facebook, I couldn’t
be in touch with these people anymore – I was so convinced they were lost forever
and now I communicate frequently with many. Talked to my sister for a brief time - they are on a train on their way to Washington D.C. for a family outing. I love that lady. Wish we lived closer....

I had three sessions today, plus a lot of research for my
I made myself eggs and kale for a
lunch, then headed off to work.
These people.
It is simply a most divine place to work because, due to the nature of
what we do, we are all in sync with one another.
Sure there are issues here and there.. no
place is ever perfect, but considering the alternative?
Though there are people from other places I miss,
this place wins, bar none.
First session
was my little one and it was so sweet to see her…second session, immediately
after was an anger management group where it is normal to throw out words like “fuck”
and “shit” on a regular basis due to participants...but here’s the thing.
I say those fabulous words all the time,
anyway. <grin>
My last
session was a tough one and this is what this
agency is all about – all these kids, the littles, the groups, the older ones...they
all experience hardships in life.
some, it is as “simple” as divorced, separated parents <which is ripping
apart the entire foundation you have as a child>
For others, it is
much more and heartbreaking, so the people here work with
them, one minute at a time as they learn means to cope with their personal trauma.
I remember trauma, the after effects and
wishing wishing, wishing there were a place where my
entire family could go so we could
all talk about the problems
facing our family instead of being the only
one sent to the therapist to “get fixed.”
I get to be that person
helping the families and I am so honored.

I am at odds with the world as of late.
There are so many accusations flying, fingers
pointing (one of which is my own), spewing of hateful words and this causes
distress amongst so many.
People react
and the action begins.
The bottom line
is this. There is no bottom line.
really isn’t.
As long as different
people with differing views of various religious beliefs are made to live
together, there shall never be agreement.
As I told a client, the only thing you are in control of is what is in
your hula hoop (Self).
You cannot
control anything that takes place outside of it, so you must learn how to
I talked a bit about this with
a colleague of mine, only it was framed in a different way…a way of needing to
be your biggest own biggest fan so that you are not dependent upon others for
Knowing, deep within, that
I’m fucking awesome!”
is such a powerful tool to have when facing
the aforementioned scary world, with fingers pointing and shrill shrieks of
I left after 7 and…headed to Chipotle for my organic chicken
salad because REALLY, I can’t cook for a hill of beans lately. My dad would probably have me quartered if he
knew what my cooking skills have become.
I headed home, ate with my two
dogs and looked into what I can do for this cough. Window is closed and humidifier is on. Hot honey lemon tea (more) and Vicks. I want to cry. More perfect hiking weather, but I’ll be in
bed working on my last paper <major depression on both aspects>.And to close..a few meaningful words from DeBarge's fantastic 1985 hit "Rhythm of the Night":
When it feels like the world is on your shoulders
And all of the madness has got you going crazy
It's time to get out step out into the street
Where all of the action is right there at your feet....
Pictures: Freitag shoulder strap. I Am so excited about this....; This is the little guy I saved from the watery death of the shower. He is one of my bathroom guards; Someone gave me a heart-on at work. Love it!: The beautiful sunset as I left the office.
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