It isn’t that life isn’t fun it is why do I continue sliding
this continual path to un-wellness? I
remember feeling that first inkling of a sore throat in Calpine which was a
month ago this weekend. Odd…it feels like
it’s been years.
I sat in bed most of the day and looked at words such as “the
evidence supports interpreting the outcomes of multi-informant assessments as
reflections of contextual blah-blah-blah…”
thinking, if I can’t understand this
in English, how the fuck am I supposed to understand in German? This is really what I said. I am not adding the word’ fuck” to impress

I am a concerned
about my boy. He is dropping the homework
again. How do I get this kid to invest
in his life? Skills and habit need to be
learned and the thing is, it doesn’t get easier the older you get <look at
me…shining example>. Not sure…any suggestions
or magic solutions would be appreciated.
Something else. I notice that
when I am with people I do not know, I must appear very stuck up…. I’m not a “smiler” and
say-whatever-I-can-just-to-make-noise “Oh! Look at you , you are looking
terrific!!” <kiss on cheek, big hug>
Or “Oh, I just can’t believe the blah-blah-blah” <adorable chuckle> I was
thinking about when I was at Harlow’s
sitting in the back room with the bands – one of whom I know, but am really not
friends with and another band I had just met.
I just sat there and listened.
Another woman who was in there knew all the right things to say, kissed
on the cheeks, hugged guys, etc. I can’t
do that. Why is this bothering me? Why am I writing about it here? I have no idea..maybe it’s that Ethan and I
are so similar in that way – we watch and process. I can’t make false conversation if it doesn’t
interest me or just to fit in. I dunno,
that’s all I have.

Pictures: My girl was so ready to play. I feel a great deal of guilt as I am not active enough with her; Her froggy sit; Ready for the ball!; This gate is open and unlatched every time I come here. That says a lot to me....
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