This dream was about our New Morning therapist’s office: We
walked in and all of the books and “stuff” was gone – cleared away.
Instead, shelving had been put up to store
some items.
My “vagina” sticker was gone,
It had offended some people,
even though it was hidden behind a cup.
is where I am confused.
How can vagina
or penis offend?
I can understand people
who have sexually traumatized, as I myself have been, but it is about working
past that and becoming strong
Work through the shame..work
through the guilt.>
ALL of Jen’s stuff was gone, but
fortunately the dream ended before she came to work.
This made me look at a few things.
A ) not attempting to throw my views upon
others, rather working delicately with them to a resolution.
B) Ask permission, and C) Be grateful (to the
person who had bought the shelves, had cleaned up the room).
I love learning from dreams.
I slept until 1:37. I
had gotten up at 8 and put the dogs out, but then fell right back to
sleep. When I awoke, I took more medicine
to make my cough more productive. I have slept so much in the past few days and
I am anxious to get out, yet after even one client at work, I’d find myself
exhausted. I’m grateful for this long
week-end, a time when I can focus on resting on working on my big paper.

My brain was much more focused today than it was yesterday.
Suddenly all those sentences made sense.
It is still difficult to put this together as
I have limited information about the client, but I am hitting a lot more on the
head than I did yesterday.
I also notice
so much more I
should have done, but this
was my third client and at that point there was no experience on what to do or
what was actually taking place.
should have talked to teachers.
I had no idea he would be moving at the end
of the summer, but talking to his current teachers would have given me much
more of a reference point of how this client behaved.
have spoken with his doctor, which would have given me more insight on additional
I should have run additional
Now, this far into the trainee-ship,
I see why 3,000 hours are needed before licensure testing, because there is so
much learned from experience, but oh, to have that possibility back with that client….

It was time.
I needed
to go down the hill for baby-buying, but before doing so I wanted to take the dogs
out again. We headed back to the same park, where, lo and behold, the same gate
was open that I closed yesterday. There were people here this time and so I
leashed the dogs up and we headed up to the field.
I noticed Annie’s tail, wagging delightfully the
entire time.
Once we were finished – and
oh, my I gave Mabi a workout – we headed to Target where I was able to look at the
baby registry and got A)
a nursing bra
for mom B) pretty barrettes and a hair band for big sister and C) a baby nightgown
that you don’t have to snap or button for those 4 a.m. feedings/diaper changes when you
are so tired your eyelids won’t even open to figure out which button goes where.
I haven’t yet made the Labor Book, with inspiration
sayings from the Halls wrappers I’ve saved, but it’s on the list of Things To
I wonder if I get any credit from Jake for all this coughing
I am doing. I think my abs are getting
quite toned from it. My tranny voice has
become a whisper, as I think laryngitis has crept into the picture. It’s
really tricky whispering “ANNIE!!!” from one end of a field to a dog who is
happily sniffing away….
Pics 'n flicks: Mabi jumps for the frisbee (she caught it!); The ever unlatched gate; I love the form & color of this tree; Annie and her ever-wagging tail.
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