The night was filled with a lot of pain and rolling over,
which I do quite often, resulted in new shots of ouch!
The last hour or so was that dazed slumber
where you feel you’ve only slept moments but it ends up being an hour and a
I got up, sipped my coffee, and
plotted the day.
I checked into storage
facility prices and saw a house that I had been told was not for rent was now,
it seems, for rent.
Lots of packing, but
the house is so full of boxes, how do I do that?

Ethan’s task was to cut pallets so we could have a burn
The girls needed to put a second
coat of paint on the doghouse but they were still asleep, and I ..I needed to
The girls hadn't been assisting as I
had hoped, but I discovered yesterday that if you give the girls a task, they will
mostly-sorta do it, so once they were ready,
I had
them wrap up my French porcelain in bubble wrap.
Much to my chagrin, it wasn’t long before the
landlord was there at the kitchen window, repairing whatever was broken.
He never said a word to me and I went back to
my trick of sticking earbuds in my ears and attaching it to an old, broken
iPhone, so I looked like I was listening to something.
started loading my CDs to my iTunes account so I can sell many of the CDs.
I have hundreds.
Things were taken out of cabinets…an old
etched crystal decanter from Europe, and Italian painted dark glass decanter with
gold from Italy, etched white wine/red wine glasses; for someone who doesn’t
partake I am set on the alcohol glasses.
I can’t get rid of the Italian decanter yet – that was Tanti’s, but I’ll
try to sell the etched crystal.

Eventually, friend was picked up, so we started loading the bus
to rent a storage unit.
Landlord walked
past as we were moving boxes.
didn’t look up.
We loaded Lizzie up and
headed to the storage facility where I spoke with the manager and we checked
out a 10 X 5 and a 10 x 10.
We chose the
latter, paid for it, signed all the paperwork, and got busy unloading.
Suddenly it was more of an adventure for us
and actually working
towards a
solution was much more restorative.
We also
discovered there are garage sales here at the facility
- there will be one in 2 weeks – so the kids
and I will have our first sale here and then have another at home if we deem it
Hunger gnawed at all of us,
so we stopped at Deb’s Frosty were Mags had corn dogs, Ethan and I had the HOMEMADE
What.The.Hell have I
doing the last decade buying burgers here?
Are you
kidding me?
These were freshly-finished
carnitas..and it was so damn good!
devoured them and I
may have had some
nachos for dessert.

Packed up again at home where I twisted my ankle on the uneven,
unsaved driveway, and fell on the box, a poked my hand with a nail, my back
really feels like muscles are protruding
from an area, so I tried to lift carefully.
As we left the facility this time, Ethan suggested we add some fun:
I found Mission Impossible music and Maggie
was to jump into the bus, Dukes of Hazzard’s style, Ethan would slam the door
and we would drive off.
We rolled with laughter after we finished –
it’s amazing how the music changes your attitude.
Home Depot was a stop on the way home so that
we could return the bad DeWalt batteries and get new blades for the recip
Tomorrow pallets will be completed
(Ethan was so tired he slept about 3 hours this afternoon before we went to the
storage facility).
We did the Mission
Impossible at Home Depot, too…but the filming didn’t work.

We had one more run to do before the facility closed at 9 –
we left the house at 8:30 and I was nervous we’d get locked in, so we were in
high gear.
The kids jumped out as I was
rolling in, grabbed the wheeled moving-carts as I turned the bus around.
We unloaded so fast we were finished in 10
minutes and that includes labeling some of the boxes which were only labeled on
I bought the kids a shake at In ‘n
Out and we headed home.
Here, they
walked on my back, massaged my back, used the roller on my back.
Ethan, laughing, even got out the vibrator I
bought for sex class 3 years ago when I’d planned to go onto a doctorate in
sexology after school and he tried to massage my back with that.
Maggie just about died when I pointed out
what the various parts were for.
I took a
hot bath and used Icy Hot (which then got in my eyes…of course.
I’m a walking accident today.
We played Uno Attack for a couple of hours in
front of our fake fireplace, me sipping sage, hibiscus flour, dong quai root
loose-leaf tea.
I played some Railroad
Earth as that was going on at Hangtown Halloween, and looked into taking the kids
tomorrow, but it would only be for a couple of hours and tickets (for me) at
$65 – who knows how much for the kids – forget it.
Pics 'n Flicks: Lizzie helping out; A boy and his dog; Adventuring together; Our new home - A43; Mission Is Possible with Agent Cookie Monster; Who dat?
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