The night lasted so long…yet I started waking up in the darkness
and fortunately, too, because I had forgotten to set my alarm.
I enjoyed a lovely morning, yet suddenly so
scared again.
I had seen both houses now
in two days: what if I wasn’t chosen for either?
The owners are the ones who decide when the information
is presented to them.
There really weren’t
many other 3 bedroom/2 bathroom homes remaining, and word was rentals slowed
down tremendously in autumn.

I dropped my beloved children at school after Mr. Marley
serenaded us, and then headed quickly to the office. I was meeting a new
transfer client this morning and looking forward.
After client we had our monthly meeting with
Very Extremely Necessary Information (not really) presented to us.
Although I may have benefited more than
others since this was my first such meeting on issues I know little to nothing
about, for most it was information that could have been sent in an email.

After the meeting, we headed off to the Baby-Shower-Farewell-We-Will-Miss-You-So-Much
celebration for our lucky therapist who is moving to my home state and having
her first baby.
I’m so excited for her….
First babies are awesome,
especially boy babies because when you
are changing their diaper at 3 a.m. after having nursed them and you are so
exhausted, with milk dripping all over then they pee, so liquid is both shooting
up and dripping down, it is AWESOME and one of those unforgettable moments.
As wonderful as vaginas are, they cannot
shoot an arc at 3 in the morning form a 4 week old baby.
It was here that I got The Call.
I was nervous because Sean had called just
before our luncheon to ask if I was sure I wanted the Camino house in first
place, and I did.
It wasn’t conducive
for us in terms of location (my car is not great in rain, much less snow), the size
is large and heating will be so expensive, there is no washer/dryer, so I’d
have to get them.
SUCH a cute house….but, Universe knew what I
I love Universe.

After lunch, I headed back to office and got some prog notes
done, closed a file, then off to get my child from school.
I had considered taking her by the house to
show her, but remembered the whole Bus debacle when I had told Mags but not
Ethan (I wanted to surprise him and it backfired horribly), thus I decided
against that.
When I pulled up, Ethan
was standing outside and I told him we got it!!
He was thrilled when he realized which house it was.
Maggie was not as thrilled initially, but I
think she will be, once she sees it.

hung out with Tatjana, talking, sorting cards, and some-such.
Tatjana is good people and I am ever-so-grateful
for her in this classroom. I had another transfer client session and headed
back to work – Mags sat in the car and listening to music.
I already know dad and a sibling from prior
and think it went very smoothly.
As soon
as it was over, I ran out to pick up Boy, we grabbed dinner to go and then
I have got to find a different
method of dinner when kids are with me… I need to become crock-pot savy.
Turns out I left my backpack at work, so
after dinner, I drove back and grabbed it.
Against my better judgement, I had a conversation with someone….
After a certain point in the evening this is
a no-no.
I also know better than to discuss certain
SS, DD as a person said
Pictures: Baby shower!!; This glorious temperature; Mags watching The Sponge Bob movie. I took E to see this when he has tiny and M was still a baby; A message from My Girl; I am burning the candle I bought for this house almost 5 years ago. Time to Let It Go
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