Sadly, there was stuff to do (regarding the new house and
preparing for the field trip) so we headed out in the glorious rain and wind. First to Home Depot where I bought an attachment
for the sink faucet here, some LED lights, a hatchet, metal pail, etc. Then off to Lee’s Feed for crickets and
Target to get gifts for my niece and nephew, plus more LED lights. Ethan was asleep most of the time, so Maggie and
I talked. As we headed up the hill, I
drove past a horse stable and thought of consistency and stability. It takes that to be at a stable: the stalls
must be mucked and raked, the horses feed and brushed. I yearn for consistency and stability in my
life…getting up at ---, always in bed at ----.
Do this job in this way and always have dinner at 6, yet I am the furthest thing
from that. What’s more, if my life does
get some consistency and routine (I do have stability), I get bored.
We grabbed lunch and headed back home. I looked over at Maggie and said, “Girl, I
can’t keep eating like this with you. It
has to stop.” She, the string bean
little girl, giggled and said “fat girls 4 lyfe.” I hope she has her father’s
genes when she hits her forties.
When we got home we unpacked everything and putting them
where they belonged: The sink got her
attachments (works so well now!), Ethan began chopping up kindling and cleaning the stove, Mags got
busy with laundry. We started putting up
Christmas lights out doors as I decided it was a Good Idea (this is why I
rarely accomplish goals) , but it was worth it.
I love working on a project like this with my kids, plus, it was just a
little…not too time consuming.
I whipped up dinner and then we (meaning Ethan and I) sat
down to watch “Smokey & the Bandit” which is one of my favorite
movies. It brought back memories of my
own road trips between Dallas and Midland and how truckers would help me
out. Life was simple then…it’s about to
get super complicated for me, I think.
So glad there’s a second movie.
Picture: Just thinking about the SF Giants....
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