Wednesday, January 13, 2016

January 13, 2016

I slept late again – 5:55 (alarm). To be fair, my sleep was interrupted – by rain: beautiful, beautiful rain.

Early client, then supervision and meetings at juvenile hall.   Sessions with the kids (you know where this goes)…

…on my way home, I saw an SUV with 2 mattresses tied on the top with bungee cords driving about 80 mph, so the were mattresses bent back and off the car by 3 feet.  Had those bungees snapped, there would have been several car accidents.  This ridiculous woman about 24 years old was driving like a bat outta hell and looked shocked when I passed her with the “WHAT-IN-HELL’S-NAME-ARE-YOU-DOING”??? look on my face.  I guess driving 65 and in the right-hand lane would have been crimping her style.

Home to steak and broccoli and the boy had 4 hotdogs, plus steak and broccoli.  We have hit that age of disappearing food, it seems.  We cut out pictures from magazines for my clients since ALL of mine have disappeared since the move.  

I have been titrating my medicine down for months and decided yesterday that I shall, once again, try to stop.  In the last 6 years since my last attempt, my dosage has been so low with such a mild SSRI that I believe I can finally, after decades (since my head injury when I was 16) be free.  If things don’t seem to work or when/if the depression comes back, I know exactly what to do and whom to contact.  I have been riding this rodeo for a while and am the expert on my mental needs, trust me.  I look forward to a day of not being “on” anything, which also includes the removal of my IUD (which releases small amounts of hormones and has worked very well!  I’ve been sex-free ever since I’ve had it!!).  I long to be free of anything until the next phase in my life when I need to be on medications for something or other. 

Pictures: Mags working on homework; crazy-ass lady speeding with mattresses; Canvas of rain clouds

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