Saturday, January 9, 2016

January 9, 2016

I slept well, deeply, for a long time.  It was daylight when I awoke and I hadn’t stirred at all throughout the night.  

Today, something needed to be done.  I had a box of items from my bedroom sitting patiently, and so, today, with the help of Missy Elliot, Lil Wayne, and 2Pac, I straightened out my room.  I’ll start doing my yoga there in the mornings – there’s enough room in there for a damn Zumba class.  I moved throughout the house, music changing genres as the rooms differed; the garage was hair bands, the kitchen was punk.

Yesterday, Maggie and I picked up a rose for Ethan.  Ethan has his first girlfriend for a little over a month and today, they went to a movie together.  Her mom and I spoke over this – and while I can’t speak for her, I didn’t want to  put my adult thoughts into a very innocent happening.  I did, however, give Ethan instructions on how to treat her, because this was her first such experience and would be the foundation for her, so he was to treat her with respect and in a very chivalrous manner – open doors for her, paying for movie tickets and any concessions.  I picked her up and dropped her off, after the movie.  I doubt they even touched each other, but they said they had a really good time, and then when Ethan gave her the rose after walking her to her door, well…that just made me smile.

While they were at the movies, I was at the gym.  As soon as I found out I had 60 days to get a new house, I stopped going.  I have added a bit in the last few months, not sure why, ohhh, wait:  cranberries.  I went in with determination, but couldn’t pull anything up on Spotify because it wasn’t connecting, despite having a wifi connection.  I have the worst luck with internet. That meant no heavy metal to motivate me.   I did 100 squats, but my knees are in bad shape – super weak.  I also did a little yoga and the MMA machine.  Had a pretty good workout…

 ..and then at home as we watched Supernatural I ate that Tom & Jerry’s ice cream I’ve had since we moved in.  I suck, sometimes.

Pictures: A prayer one of the inmates is Folsom Prison wrote out for me;  This is my little Lee Rebel that was on the homecoming mum that Trey gave me in high school.  It was time to throw him away.  Goodbye, little Rebel dude - thanks for the memories; Ethan on the yoga ball; Mags decorates Annie (in her sweater)

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