Wednesday, February 10, 2016

February 10, 2016

An ortho appointment for the kids at 9 meant I got to sleep in an extra 45 (in good times) to 30 minutes (lately).  It meant the world to me.  

The ortho appointment lasted a while, so I brought my laptop and got prog notes finished whiel I was there.  Mags was finished first (why didn’t I give them ibuprofen before the appointment?) and 45 minutes later Ethan rambled out.  I have to make a statement right now which has nothing to do with this segment.  I really, really hate the fact that I have been singing certain Pat Benetar (or just about any other 70s/80s artists) songs one way since I was a kid  and my daughter, who has only heard these songs because I play them, actually sings them correctly.  That bites.

Dropped kids off at school and raced to work for supervision.  My agency caseload is not very large at all and the clients have been with me a while.  My JH caseload are the ones I’d love to talk about, but…

After supervision, I headed to Juvie, and after some time there, headed to pick up a list of items at the store.  I had made a list and then had Maggie tale a picture of the list because I knew I’d lose it.    Sure enough, I left in the care, so I whipped out my cell phone and..shopped.  My plan is to enter the chili contest this year at Hipnic if I feel I can come up with something that would wow the judges I got home and started cooking…only to realize that there was an ingredient I hadn’t purchased (to be fair, it wasn’t one the list), plus I had forgotten Ethan’s pop tarts, so I headed back to the store.  Had this been a regular attempt at dinner, no big deal, but I was trying out a chili recipe for Hipnic, which changes everything.

At the store, I learned with glee that I had purchased enough items to start playing the Safeway Monopoly game.  I am ashamed of how exciting this was for me….  I was driving home when I realized I hadn’t purchased cheese – dammit.  THREE TRIPS TO THE STORE for one batch of chili.  To be fair – it was pretty damn good.  There are some changes I’d make, but all in all, excellent first start.

Pictures:  Look what was left at the ortho's office 3 visits ago!!  Reunited!!; It begins....

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