Wednesday, February 17, 2016

February 17, 2016

 5:30 alarm so I was up at 5:20.  Let’s give me that for willingness.  A teeny bit of yoga and then some killer Van Halen.

Young client and boundary setting with an adult…which is difficult for me, but getting easier.  After the session, paper work and supervision.  My hours are full – considering I have a three day weekend, but the week is so slam-packed for me from morning til late.  After, I was…

Back in juvie…I enjoy working at this place.  There is a need here and I think this would be my niche.  This population is one I am drawn to – the lives of these kids so different than most people think.  Judging the cover, despite those torn pages in between that they cannot see.

 A quick trip the store then home to the kids as the storm was moving in.  I had, for some ridiculous reason, promised Maggie I would go running with her once I got home, so I had to change before “The Run.”  At this point I would like to address my fancy new lace bra.  Today was day two of wearing it.  The size is a lot larger than I’d like, and is still snug, but I’ve noticed that for such a fancy piece of undergarment (hand wash – I have to frigging hand wash it) that the snugness is grand incentive to chill and watch what I do so the fancy brassiere becomes well-fitting.  We ran around the block, Mags elegantly prancing like a gazelle, me galloomping like a lumpy person,   I know, I know, but my body doesn't like running on asphalt.

Kids and I worked together on various things – prepping dinner, helping E organize his school binder, stern words from me about Life (you have to work to get paid, you don’t get the money and then work).  I made the call about the rodent in the wall – which sounds horrific.  Then, slowly, as the storm moved in, I worked on tuning my guitar again (which I had done initially 2 days ago – I thought).  It would seem that the way the tuner is set up, I may have mistaken the top E for the D and tuned it as such, which would account for the buzz on the D.  It sounds much tunier now.  

Pictures: Nature's colors before the storm; blossom explosion; Mags has these little notes on her door.  Love that Girl.

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