Young client and boundary setting with an adult…which is
difficult for me, but getting easier.
After the session, paper work and supervision. My hours are full – considering I have a
three day weekend, but the week is so slam-packed for me from morning til
late. After, I was…

A quick trip the
store then home to the kids as the storm was moving in. I had, for some ridiculous reason, promised
Maggie I would go running with her once I got home, so I had to change before “The
Run.” At this point I would like to address
my fancy new lace bra. Today was day two
of wearing it. The size is a lot larger
than I’d like, and is still snug, but
I’ve noticed that for such a fancy piece of undergarment (hand wash – I have to
frigging hand wash it) that the
snugness is grand incentive to chill and watch what I do so the fancy brassiere
becomes well-fitting. We ran around the block, Mags elegantly prancing like a gazelle, me galloomping like a lumpy person, I know, I know, but my body doesn't like running on asphalt.
Kids and I worked together on various things – prepping dinner,
helping E organize his school binder, stern words from me about Life (you have
to work to get paid, you don’t get the money and then work). I made the call about the rodent in the wall –
which sounds horrific. Then, slowly, as the
storm moved in, I worked on tuning my guitar again (which I had done initially
2 days ago – I thought). It would seem
that the way the tuner is set up, I may have
mistaken the top E for the D and tuned it as such, which would account for the buzz
on the D. It sounds much tunier now.
Pictures: Nature's colors before the storm; blossom explosion; Mags has these little notes on her door. Love that Girl.
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