Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Febraury 16, 2016

I went so far as to set my snooze for 15 minutes this morning, that’s how tired I was.  I didn’t listen to it, though…I shut it off after 5 minutes.  

Today was a school-site day, so off I headed.  I have developed a really good therapeutic relationship with this one…I like that.  After I saw my clients, I remembered my sister’s birthday on Saturday and raced off into town to get her a gift.  Perfect place was the fair-trade store downtown – right up my sister’s alley.  Got it to the post-office where I also asked about my pants from Thailand I had ordered a couple of months ago.  It seems our post office here is not capable of forwarding something in the shape of a parcel.
Back to the clinic, where I was surrounded by my people.  Now that Europe is on hold, I am hopefully here past for longer.  I’ll see.  There is much to study, many workshops to attend, much to learn.  Not sure where I'll end up, but I know I’ll be where I belong.

Raced to get my children, dropped them off, then back to the clinic for my final clients.  I learned tonight about the importance of watching clients’ dynamic together – it changes so much.

Today was, much to my surprise, a very good day.  I felt the power of renewal in my spirit, which may – in all honestly – have had a great deal to do with the beautiful Spring (Winter) day.    I have this tremendous feeling of I can fucking ROCK this Life thing, I can take charge of so much and carry on to create an even more wonderful life than I have now.  This burden on my shoulders has been heavier, I think, than I knew.  My dream of Switzerland is far from over, it will simply be different than I imagined.  

Pictures:   Downtown - I miss walking around here; Breakroom; The little Elf Village I am forcing J-Ber to create.

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