Monday, February 15, 2016

February 15, 2016

Today – I awoke at 5:30 to catch a 6:30 Skype call from Switzerland – which I did without wearing any pants.  Check that off my bucket list.  The call disconnected after 10 minutes and I knew it was Universe admonishing me for my choice of garments, so I put on some sweat pants (to match my fancy shirt and necklace).  She called to let me know the lines there had disconnected and she would call me in an hour from her home.  This woman was simply amazing.  We spoke for an hour and fifteen minutes about all sorts of things and it looks like I shan’t be going over this year, yet more and more is coming together for me, nonetheless.  Her daughter directs a school which could be very helpful in helping Ethan get an apprenticeship. 

I did a few things around the house and it wasn’t long before I left to head in the general direction of my EMDR session.  I really, really needed to get a new bra (or 3) so I last-minute decided that, yes, 15 minutes if all I would need and headed to Soma Intimates.  I despise shopping and bra shopping is even less fun for me, but there were some pretty under-things there.  I should have taken more time, but left with a lacy, black little number which is a smidge too tight, but going any larger is just not a wise idea…
And off to EMDR.  I have, as of late, being experiencing some really horrific things while driving, especially at night.  I know it is all related back to my car accident, but I can’t remember that so any specific work on that is impossible.  I was flabbergasted…she (Melody) was able to tie together certain things which correlate specifically to That Day.  On top of that, now that Europe is on delay-mode, she can help me figure out this man-relationship-fear thing I have going on.  Oh, the joys of EMDR.  Next appointment is next week.

I took myself out to Vietnamese lunch, which is very green and healthy (pho sure) and then headed home to change in to my gym ensemble before I had to pick up Mags at a friend’s house (Ethan was being dropped off).  Guess who I happened to see there?  None other than Jake, who reminded me we still have time on the books.  I know, I know, and I shall be showing up soon.  I told him of my various attempts and nary an ounce is gone. Now the bottom line is this – I think I look damn good for a 44 year old who tends to enjoy certain things, but there is that extra 30 which I would like to return.
Grabbed Mags and then home to a cooked dinner by The Boy.  So many things are up in the air right now, but the cloud which has been over my shoulder for 4 or so months is lessening.  Plans now include language learning for the kids and a little work there, myself.  At least Lizzie and I have more time together. 

 Pictures: I work out; Meilen, which would be an ideal area to aim year

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