Sunday, August 17, 2014

August 17, 2014

● Despite fervent attempts to get to sleep earlier, it was next to impossible for me to do so, so when the alarm went off this morning, I set the timer for an additional half hour.  Guilt consumed me, however, so after 14 minutes,  I was one-eyed-groggy-push-the-start-button-on-the-coffee-machine up.  I feel weighed down.  Specifically, I feel like my ass is morphing into a larger size, but I’m not quite sure how that is possible at such an early point in my post-juicing-attempt.  I’ll tell ya what, though.  I know exactly where the fault lies and I’ll tell you right now:  Ethan.  Prior to his pregnancy, I hated desserts/sweets and looked at an extra slice of steak as my post-meal treat. DURING his time in the cocoon, however, I gained 71 pounds from my must-have-daily white cake.  Also to blame,  Mexican food, or more specifically, my father, since he started La Bodega.   If I could make it longer than 2 days without beginning to fantasize about nachos, I think I’d be a lot better off.  There was a third participant who deserves a lot of blame, but I forget who it is…I just remember it was very logical and made perfect sense.  No, it isn’t me (don’t be ridiculous).   Sitting in bed, trying to wake up as the coffee brewed, I participated in a political discussion with high school friends.   I was just a supporter, so my blood pressure remained stable, but if I ever did move back to Texas, it would have to be Austin, I think.  I couldn’t handle the extreme conservatism anywhere else.

● The minutes were ticking by so slowly.  I’m not sure I can remember a morning where time seemed to stand still rather than race away from me.  Finally, I headed down to The Cozmic Café for Amber’s memorial service.  I saw Camille, Rachel and Joe right away and hugged them all.  These people will never be able to understand how significantly they have impacted my life with their love for each other and the support they give to each other.  Once upstairs, I spoke with people I knew, particularly one man whom I told long ago he should have been a DJ (he has that deep, soothing voice).  We talked about life and I mentioned how mine was in a “meh” phase.  I was doing an exceptional job in spinning my hamster wheel, but I felt I was getting nowhere, plus life was boring (except for the occasional adventure when my kids were with me).  He asked some philosophical questions which right-sized me.  I seem to forget that life is about being grateful for what I have  and at  this point, specifically (at a memorial service for someone who no longer has a life), I remembered how VERY exciting my life is.

● The service began…first the Buddhist portion.  Amber and her family practice Nichiren Buddhism,  which is a different style of Buddhism than I practiced, but I am familiar with the chants from this one.  It was beautiful yet so bittersweet, as Joe said.  I stood there, tears streaming down my face.  I thought of all the times I could have gone over and spent more time with her, or how I kept forgetting to send Ethan over to befriend her son.  If anything, though, I am SO thankful for the relationship I have with my children and my ex-husband.  Our  family may be broken, but our break is a clean and a gentle one.  My children have a strong foundation under them and know L and I love them and care deeply for one another.  For this, I am grateful.

● I came home and got started on homework.  I have a signature paper due Thursday among other things… I’ll pace myself.  <at this point I was overcome with a drugged-like-exhaustion and napped for an hour>  I am not sure what it is with these naps…  I DO know where the blame lies though:  My father.  He did the same damn thing.  <good god, HOW does that man expect me to succeed in LIFE?!?!  He’s really weighing me down>  Once I woke up, I got right back on that homework saddle and continued the journey to infinite wisdom <oh holy shite, this is tough>  I’m having difficulty with this Toshiba laptop (can’t use the Dell, it gets so hot that my thighs burn> as it keeps re-configuring the paragraphs I write.  

● Though I had planned to drink yesterday's juice mishmash at some point today, I thought a nice mixture of quinoa, chickpeas and an Indian curry mix would taste better.  Once I finished dinner, it was time to take the pups to  the park…only there was a family soccer tourney taking place, so we headed to the Home of the Cougars (rawwwrrr!!!),  El Dorado High School.  In my haste to get them to the park, I didn’t remember to dress in “appropriate” gear (after my nap, I just threw on a mini dress..and that’s ALL I had on, if you catch my drift.  I just had to be careful about bending over to pick up the ball <eyeroll at self>  I need to invest in a good pair of shorts).  When I got home, I saw Mags had texted me that she is now playing volleyball, which thrills me (I played in junior high, too).  We need to find a sport for Ethan…after three seasons of lousy coaching, he doesn’t want to play baseball anymore, which saddens me.  He has skill, but when you’re in the game of “daddy ball”, I can understand.

Picture:  This evening at El Dorado High School: Mabi runs after the tennis ball and Annie runs after Mabi. 

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