Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18, 2014

After years of knowing where the answer lies, but trying to find a softer, easier way, I set my alarm for 5:30 and begrudgingly got up to flow vinyasa-style.  It was an interesting workout.... I tipped over doing utanasana and lost my balance in back bends.   I was the before-picture of Graceful.  Still, I felt my body appreciate those stretches, despite not joining in willingly.  The only point that excited me about today was getting the cake – my weekend project – to class for Stephanie’s late birthday.  I chose between taste great and visually appealing (I haven’t blended the two, yet) and I was very excited.  I miss having someone to cook/bake for. <3  I worked on homework before I left for work. 

Got to school much earlier than usual and smuggled the cake in.  The first block class just about killed me.  There really wasn’t a whole heck of a lot for me to do.  Break rolled around and I hustled back to class.  Had all the kids sign the card and then…finally…we surprised Steph with a celebratory song <betcha can’t guess what it is>  The fondant, though beautiful, was not tasty (I have yet to try one that is) and the cake was kinda heavy, but if you peeled away the fondant, it was ok.  I was going for the thought.  :)

So excited to get to CMP to pick up my boy (girl stayed for volleyball).  He looks so GROWN-UP!!!  Yes, I realize it’s only been a week, but there’s something about him being in 7th grade that makes such a difference.  Home so I could lay down for 15 minutes and then Ethan and I hung out for a bit.  I headed BACK to school to pick up Mags at 5…she was nowhere to be seen.  I KNEW she was in the back, and had no idea WHY she wasn’t coming out to porch.  This is specifically WHY I put my kids into Montessori – to make them self-sufficient.  <eyeroll>  After 25 minutes of driving and looking, I  finally parked the damn car and collected my daughter.  On the way home  <and don’t you worry!  Tomorrow she will be on porch> She told me about volleyball and wondered if she should buy kneepads.  Just like her mama….  I love that girl fiercely.

At home, Ethan and I sat down to do his math homework.  Ratios.  Are you kidding me?  That’s why I went into psychology.  The human mind makes much more sense to me.  We called Stephanie, who spent AN HOUR walking us through everything, but finally, we were finished…for today.

I started cooking dinner – far too late for my tastes, but I’d been marinating chicken in turmeric, yogurt  and cumin all day.  I made some saffron rice and attempted chapatti bread, with no success.  Seems Indian tortillas are much trickier than the Mexican  kind.  I am so damn tired and can’t get my homework laptop working.  Something about a proxy setting and LAN after I downloaded AVG.  I hate computers.

Picture:  The cake I made for Stephanie's birthday.

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