Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August 20, 2014

I awoke hearing a drop, then another.  Despite the window fan being just inches away, my ears welcomed the sound of a brief rain.  Then I remembered my Ethan's sadness from a few hours earlier and my happiness vanished..  There were still a couple more hours of sleep until I had to get up that.. Woke up for Day Three of yoga: No falling over this time.  If I keep this up, I…well…let’s just stick to building it back to habit, first.

So tired.  I was sent a video by Sabol about That Hour.  Granted it’s not DLS time yet, and I’m no Christian, but I was prayin’ ta “Father God in the name of Jesus!!” this morning.   Got kiddos to school and then made it to my job on time (I’m usually a few minutes late when I have the kids).  Work is ok.  think it’s good to be “Out” in the field.  Today, I was “the pourer” for 2 kids participating in the ALS ice bucket challenge.  It is *SO* beyond kickass to have our kids wanting to help others who are suffering.  

The day was a long one…<see video>, but we’ve got some good kids in our class, which is always a tremendous benefit.  Finished up some grading after school then picked up my two at CMP.  Ethan was in better spirits than last night and he had no math homework, which means Swerner got a  break from our phone call, since we’ve “phoned a friend” two days running.  Off to take Maggie to tumbling and I sat in the car and worked on my paper.  At one point, the eyes wouldn’t stay open and I had to engage the seat recline button.  Nice breeze…shade from a tree.  Perfect.   Once we got home,  started cooking dinner (homemade hamburgers/fries) as Mags prepared for her ALS challenge. Initially, Ethan lost balance with the heavy bucket and the chair he was on fell over.  I realized it would be wise for me to pee so if that happened again I wouldn’t pee in my skirt <urinary tract don’t play>  She got that done, dried brown stuff on ground got water and I got dinner done.  High fives all around.

Ethan, my little pyro-lover as watching firecracker videos and I heard guys from Kärnten in Austria, where my (dad’s) people are from(He was the only one born in Steiermark). It was great hearing that accent again.  There’s been a lot of talk about Europe here lately…most of it from the kids, surprisingly.  I wonder if I should get licensed as an MFT or if it would even matter in Europe, as it’s more than likely not recognized in the same way.  I should sit down and really look into it, but need to get passports, etc. started first.  Can’t afford that quite yet, so little by little.

Kids and I went to the park, where Annie, that vicious puppy with ears and tongue flopping everywhere, terrorized little girls, until we told them she thought it was her job to chase things that ran, after which they giggled and laughed.  We were on the side of the field when a man comes with his young daughter to practice futbol, which is great.  What is NOT great, however, is when he got right in the middle of the field (when there is half the field on the side), leaving us with about an 8 foot wide space.  Not great for a girl who rarely hits (she needs 50 feet),  boy who is pretty good, and an old lady who is finally getting over tennis elbow from the same activities.  I was pissed and we left. NEXT time, I know what he looks like and his MO is and I will say something before he sets up his world cup practice centro.  Humph.  Home and to bed.  I have class tomorrow night and will probably die, FYI.

Video sent to me this morning by Sweet Heather Sabol is by  Keithra Worley.  The picture is one I tried to post last week of school, where I will be dying, henceforth.  Can't someone teach me how to use this stupid Google photo stuff?  I miss Polaroids...

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