Friday, August 22, 2014

August 22, 2014

Last night, my choice of directions in life was reaffirmed when I was told some wonderful words:  The position that I interviewed for would remain open because they really wanted *me* to work there, then the person told me what I wonderful therapist I will make.  A number of my instructors had shared that with me, but I work with students..sometimes you say positive things even though your heart may not actually feel that way.. yet having this person tell me those same things was quite a powerful thing.

For the third day in a row, I wore my glasses.  I think they add so much to a person’s looks... a sensuality .  Several years ago on Law & Order (or one of it’s many off shoots), there was a character named Alex who was the DA.   She had glasses and looked so beautiful when she wore them and rather plain when she did not.  I  fervently wished I could be like Alex when I wore my glasses.  Day One was tough, but yesterday it was a bit easier and today I felt SEXY!  Ok, granted I was still wearing my black chucks, but Converse wearers in glasses can be hot…can’t they??  

Work is getting real.  My head just about exploded during computers as I worked with 4 kids (only one of them mine).  I’m becoming quite fond of one student…she reminds me somewhat of some of the friends I had in Midland when I worked at my dad’s place.  She’s a good person.  

Dropped Mags off at the friends house then Ethan and I headed home to start getting ready to prepare the think about beginning the work.  At least that’s what it seemed like…yet finally I started removing the grass from the front yard so we can put in a xeriscape.  That lawn is horrible and I’d much rather put on native species which are drought tolerant and/or attract butterflies and bees.  I loved landscaping when I was married.  After some work (5? 10 minutes?) I remember I’m not as strong as L is and that yes, even though I went to HD to buy a flathead shovel, I don’t have the upper body strength to just slice it through the root system of the grass. We worked just short of 2 hours .  Now, I’m no mathematician, but I’d say we got about ½ of 1/3 done.  Or so.  I also, sadly, cracked by iScreen.  Dammit.  iAm iClumsy.

Headed to the high school with the pups and noticed there was a dance going on there.  Rad.  I just crashed a high school dance.  After, Ethan and I bought some more cheeses at G.O. and I met the ElDo band teacher.  At home, we showered and sat down for some Doctor Who.  I’d already seen them, but I didn’t mind rewatching them.   Tomorrow E and I are back to stripping the lawn.  Ohlordy, save my back.

Pictures:  Before and After..and some tomatoes which were supposed to be used with tonight's dinner.

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