Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 9, 2014

THIS morning, for the first time in about three years,  my body was so ready for yoga and her practice.  My muscles are still very tight for some unknown reason but my flexibility is intact as I simply pushed myself as far as I could. My mood was still rather somber as I listened to an artist named Perrin Lamb, which kinda sunk me again.  I tend to listen to Ben Harper (“Morning Yearnings”) or similar songs when I feel like this.  It isn’t really a very good move, on my part. Thus, on my way to work, I decided to shift my mood with Mr. Bungle and “Girls of Porn.”  Over 20 years later and I still remember most of the words.  When I was attending TCU, I was also “The Groupie” for Enforce for a year (platonically, of course).  Somehow, the guys got a copy the Mr. Bungle demo tape before its release and they gave me one.  Mt. Bungle brings back fun memories.   Despite my valiant attempts, my Eeyoreness  hung around  until some point during third block at which I felt things rotate somewhat, emotionally.


Until!!!  Much to my dismay,  I noticed graffiti which was grammatically incorrect.  I  really wanted to get a sharpie and correct it,  but  Stephanie reminded me that could end up getting me fired for defacing school property.   I can't even write a sticky note with the correct version because that would be littering,  but for anybody who feels the need to do this, please take note:  it's not "Nick is a asshole", rather it's "Nick is an asshole."  Thank you.


The wrong thing for me to do is make a comment on someone else’s Facebook page regarding his post on Mulsims and Sharia law.  Yes, Sharia law is the moral code of Islam, but let’s take a look in the Bible.  Do we still stone a woman for not being a virgin (Deut. 22: 13-21)?  I have many Muslim friends and I am outraged that ignorant people feel all Muslims follow the same beliefs as Muslim extremists. Trying to educate ignorant people is a job for the patient people.  Ethan recently got a shirt that expresses my beliefs on this:  C.S.I.  #cantstandidiots.

The great news is I'm learning a great deal from documentaries I've watched regarding women and the sex industry.  Apparently, should I ever be so fortunate again, I can retain my new-found virginity as there is a trick used by many seasoned prostitutes to trick the man into believing he is having intercourse.  Really.  #Isitin?


A little sad to be missing 2 nearby Mother Hips shows, but I am so flattered to be getting so many messages of “Hey!  You going this weekend?”  Lately my job is removing myself: taking myself off of ALL the venue sites, ticket agencies, etc.  I had no idea I was on so many mailing lists.  I’m trying to get things going for my degree as the easy times are over for now.  Looking forward to the first practicum class tomorrow night.

Pictures:  Last night's Thai tea with milk; lanterns I have hanging in my bedroom; a quote by Karen Blixen that I steadily hold to.

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