Monday, September 8, 2014

Septemeber 8, 2014

n early (well, earlier) night, with an interruption on nostril pain from girl.  Wish I could do something to help..but….  When I was a kid, I’d have bronchitis or pneumonia or whatever.  I’d figure out a way to sleep that made the pain bearable: stack pillows and sleep sitting up or something.   I suggested she blow her nose and sleep on the other side, to relieve sinus pressure.  Up and my yesterday started all over again, when I kept pushing the wrong buttons on the DVD, but eventually, I managed and chandra namaskar was music only.  I got lost several times, but it was a good thing.  

usic this morning was the type of music they play in a drama just as the main character discovers that life isn’t working in its current direction and something has to be changed immediately.  It was quite apropos, considering.  I am aware.  I realize I react, at least  via writing, to occurrences I deem unsuitable. 

fter work, I headed to a “store” where I needed to pick up medication.  I wanted to pick up a bag of quinoa as I ran out this morning, but found not one bag. It isn’t carried there.  However, there are aisles of pre-packaged, prepared foods (much of it frozen).  Aisles of “nutritional” supplements, diabetic socks, weight-loss “aids”, even 2 wheelchairs you could choose from.   Humph.  Lots of ‘after-care”  …very little preventative.  Gotta create customers…right?

eeting for Ethan at his school with his teachers and the Dean of Students and I think it ended fairly well.  Wish I knew that magic way to make him enjoy school.  After the meeting, I announced to Larry  that the kids and I are moving to Malaysia.  Of course, he understood.  Sadly when I got home I wasn’t able to see any positions open other than IT and I doubt my newly found ability to use Drop Caps is what the position entails. In a sub-comatose motion, I successfully landed on the bed in only my undergarments (I wore a short skirt today.  It’s called “compromise”), in case there was a knock at the door.  Upon waking up, I wondered why under garments would’ve made the difference. I forgot about my Matzo ball soup and had thawing sole, green beans and quinoa.  I need to check out Winco prices, because seriously?  $14.00 for 4 cups of quinoa is a bit much.  

 was thinking (duh) about careers the other day.  I have NEVER found a job where I have thought – “this is a great job!  I can do this for the rest of my life!”  There has been an intrinsic need to go farther, do more, be more.  This worried me a bit because I wonder if I will ever find a job where I can work until retirement…or will I continue to move, change, grow?  Yesterday’s check-stub showed me how I have rescinded my pay in order to go “further.”  Thus, I am , once again..stuck.  Would I go to Malaysia to teach, if hired?  What about my Masters?  Do I just finish it and get the hell to Switzerland?  Or get licensed first?  Somebody stop my brain, please.

Pictures:  The grapes in our backyard.  They are sweet and delicious.  Thanks, Tricia! The pan Mags burnt making caramel is juuuussst about clean, after several months.  After all, cooking is a process.  Finishing the day off with a hot Thai tea with milk, a gift from Paula at work.  Thank you <3

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