Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 24, 2014

Woke up much later than intended... 10:30.  Must have been tired.  I couldn't get going,

Responded to a letter from Ethan's school, got a few things done around the house...straightening the kitchen, exciting things like that.

Got moving slowly, headed to fill up and got to Hangtown around 1.  Once I got it, I saw people from my different music families:  Hipnic, Hangtown, Hardly Strictly & High Sierra.  I love these gatherings.  The people are so happy to be here, away from teh daily grind.  Today it was pretty calm, but 24 hours from now, I will be one of teh few who aren't in costume.  It's a huge weekend costume party for adults and kids, alike.  Tonight as we listened to Meter Men, i saw a cluster of 4-6 years old girls in fancy princess customes.  10 feet ahead were ladies in their 20s-40s dressed as beautiful jellyfish.  Still, I left around 8 to head to Folsom and listen to another musician I missed the last time he was in town, Billy Shaddox, and as I'm sitting here listening to a band called Manzanita, I'm watching a couple dancing, gazing at each other with such love. That's rad.  Isaac's band played next and then....

Finally met Billy face-to-face.  We talked for a bit and he mentioned that it was nice to hear my voice...and I knew exactly what he meant.  Over social media, one "creates" a voice (and personality) for the individual not yet met.  I'm lucky in that only a handful of my FB "friends" are people I've never met, but I know them via friends, so technically, they're just a friend I haven't met.  Yet.  👍
Listening to Billy is amazing. Every fest I go to, I find an artist I absolutely love.  This artist, however, was down the hill in old town Folsom, in a little bar with not too many people. He told stories before most of the songs, which magically personalized them.  I'd love to write songs... What a gift to the world.

Headed home where I made myself some breakfast burritos (appropriate since it's almost 2 a.m.).  I'm tired and my foot hurts (foot pain woke me around 4 early this (yesterday) morning.  Getting old sucks.  I gotta fight this aging thing much, much harder and music helps that immensely. <smile>

Pictures:  Some of the decorations at Hangtown Halloween; a fest-goer with the baby pine cone owl she made; Meter Men 

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