It was late last night….
I think it was close to three before I went to bed – my feeble attempts
at trying to write down the day’s occurrences went nowhere and thus I simply
“saved a spot.”
It was a great evening
though and I remember – as I saw someone from my past who was also there
“alone” – that I wasn’t.
So many of the
Mother Hips family have become good friends and I feel a connection.
I was so amazed that – despite the fact that
I am always sober
at these events – my
memory is so fuzzy, yet people I met 6 months ago remember me, my name,
I’m a big foggy blank
I guess blackouts are just a way
of life for me now, despite….
Today I was supposed to work on homework, and I did. Word.By.Agonizing.Word. I got that 1-2 page (it ended up being 2 and
a half pages with many references. WHY
do I put such effort into a 20 point document???) I was pushing it though – the head is not
working, the fingers are not spelling, the mind is wandering. Plus, to shape things right up, I look like a
freaking character from Zoolander ( I think – I’ve never seen it, but it sounds
very appropriate). My computer is slow,
slow, slow and keeps “not responding”,
which makes things even tougher.

I had the joy (and distraction)of a sushi date with my sushi
We have been doing this a long
time –
since little (big 4 year old)
Sophia was itty-bitty.
I made the
mistake of wearing pants which were a tad snug when I put them on.
This is always and Undoubtedly Without Fail a
Very Bad Thing prior to sushi. I had just sat down (pre-food) when I had to
unsnap the button.
Then things just
happened and the zipper went for a ride, too.
Grateful my shirt covered that, but the shirt was ALSO quite form
fitting...and let’s not forget that I’m the genius who bought an
“Extreme Pushup” bra last night, so Stuff was
There. Why.Do.I.Do.This??
Did I not get
enough attention as a child?
I’m an
introvert (INFP, for anyone who’s interested – don’t let my “public” Self fool
Dinner was very enjoyable –
Lindsay told appalling nurse stories, Brian showed us fake aquariums at Intel,
and I bemoaned my lonely-dismayed self.
You know things are bad when an old high school friend in Texas is telling
me to go out and get laid.
A new project: File a
lawsuit – or something – against the Texas
Board of Education for these ridiculous textbooks they have approved. I’m dead serious. Children should not be subjected to the
Christian Conservative’s whims to shift truth. I’m looking at Fund It ideas. Nothing pisses me off bigger than people
trying to shove their religion down my throat. What about freedom of religion??? Other than the obvious, how are they different than ISIS? They are attempting to force people to accept their religion and it isn't right.
The dogs are pissed off at me – essentially 2 days at the computer. They’re probably looking for a new
owner. I’m so DONE with school 3 more months
of class, plus practicum. Ready.
Pictures: The sunset tonight, minutes apart, as I headed to my sushi date.
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