Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014

This morning was terrific:  I CONSCIOUSLY didn’t get up and was just lying there as a sign of rebellion against Time.   Then I hurried up to get moving, because I didn’t want too much Time to pass and have half the day disappear.  

Day 3: The Office (bed).  The dogs know what the drill is, got on the bed and laid down, in surrender mode.  I, meanwhile, got busy and finished up more homework, so we have as much free time as possible.  The kids are at a friend’s house and I’ll get them later.  I looked into renewing my Austrian/EU passport, which will require a road trip to LA.  I also chatted a bit with my Sweet Irish Grace about moving.  She spoke of doing the same in a few years.  She opened my eyes to more than just CH or Austria.  Hopefully we’ll meet up, some day.  

Around 4,  I got the pick-up call and headed down.   My two were not thrilled, but which kids are
excited to go home after two days of non-stop fun?
  I told Ethan he would be joining Maggie and myself to SF and the BroCo show.  Maybe we can go to somewhere and buy crab!   Once we got home, we took the dogs to the park.  Ethan stayed in the car to sleep and I spoke with Tyler – the sweetest young boy who lives across the street.  He was the one who played our multi game: footsoccbasegolf ---???  I couldn’t remember the fifth sport – was it lacrosse?  Rugby?  Mags said it isn’t rugby, that’s where people play really rough and try to hurt each other.  It couldn’t have been lacrosse…Who knows.   Tyler and I had a deep discussion on newer dogs.  He consoled me about the potty problem and told me about pads, but sadly that just adds to the mess of the floor.  He was called in and it was time for us to go.  

We dropped Ethan off, then headed to buy French bread and Thanksgiving day supplies.  We didn’t need much since it'll just be me and Ethan – a chicken and I’ll get chestnuts elsewhere.  When we got home, I say the pallets had been delivered!  Ethan and I will begin doghouse construction tomorrow.  L said I could borrow his Skill saw as long as he doesn’t have to be there to watch.  I resent that.  I’m an excellent Skill saw-er.  He also wouldn’t ever let me use a chainsaw which annoys me, because E and I could be heading up in the mountains to cut our own wood.  Our dinner was a cheese dinner again, though I suddenly remembering balsamic and olive oil and wishing we’d had some of that.  We watched the 2nd of the Mockingjay movies…whatever those are called.

Ethan and I then watched some Youtube videos on the Mac about cats and dogs with newborns and other fun videos while Maggie watched a romantic comedy on Netflix (gross).   I played him the Schumann CD that he used to listen to when he was in utero.  He recalls hearing it, but that is because I’ve played it since.  <grin>  Tomorrow he and I go see the doctor regarding possible medication for him.  He seems better as of late, but he also has a week off from school, so I’d be thrilled, too (well, actually, I am thrilled to have no work for a week).  Yay…my tribe is back

Pictures:  I wish I'd had a better camera than my iPhone, but these are shots taken of the sky a few minutes apart.  The crescent moon was beautiful and so peaceful.  I love the moon.

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