Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Novemeber 25, 2014

It’s quite discouraging when the brain starts working while the body tries to continue its love affair with Sleep, but that’s what happened, and there was no way to change Brain’s mind.  Tiptoeing ever so quietly to turn on the coffee machine, without letting the crated pups know I was up was the first a.m. task.

The excitement of the day was the task of taking apart pallets so we could stack up the boards in preparation for the Thanksgiving Day dog house raining…but Reality had other plans.  The pallets are crafted very  well with nails that have swirls, so they’re akin to a screw you pound in.  We managed to get a few boards taken out, but they kept splitting, so I said screw it (haha - pun!), we’ll use this as firewood and go to Home Depot to BUY lumber.  The trick is in the planning, which I suck at.  My left brain is just along for the ride, really.  I was devastated to realize how painful the planning is, but I persevered and in 40 minutes, had a material list.  We headed down to Home Depot and started getting 2x4s together.  I think we had about 8.  Then Ethan and I grabbed 2 sheets of plywood and got in the cutting line – as everyone left.  It had annoyed me slightly to see all the men getting help, but then to have them leave while I’m standing in line with my lumber?  Humph.  So I marched right over to call the manager.  “I am very sad, “  I told him.  “I’m here a lot.  This really is my toy store, and while I’m not a contractor, I do spend a lot of my money here.  Not ONE person offered to help.  They helped all the men, but not one word was said to me.”  I didn’t go complain saying I’d never be back, because we all know that’s not true, but I wanted to let him know.   He told me how to get help and gave me some helpful tips to get the work done without me even showing up.  Yay!

It was time, soon, to go to the doctor, but I needed to shower to get rid of this DAMN HAIR POOF which has been haunting me for a good 3 weeks now.  Then Ethan and I made tacos  (after watching “Does it Taco?” on You Tube (Mags was napping).  We headed to the doctor.  Let me make it clear that Ethan and I are in no way related in terms of openness with physicians.  That boy closes up harder than a clam during a blizzard (I just made that one up).   L met us there, after to take the boy home so I could scurry on to class.  As I was there, I received a text of some professionally down blueprints for our doghouse from Brad.  Just like that, he whipped it up, with a material list and a cut list.  Holy cow.  Made my poor left brain hide even further away.  I don't understand how you people do this...just give me a schizophrenic without meds.

Class answered questions for me in terms of my attempts, a few years ago, to become a correctional officer at our county jail.  I passed physical, passed background, DID NOT REALIZE until tonight that the interview let them know I was an INFP and wouldn’t be mean enough to inmates.  Ok, maybe “mean” isn’t the correct terminology.  I have the perfect qualifications for therapy, for helping, for nurturing.  These traits do not blend well in a successful career as a CO. <rats>   Needed to pick up some chestnuts for Ethan and I on Thursday – so I headed to Winco..and proceeded to spill half the  bag all over the floor.  I was in shock.  THEY JUST THROW THEM AWAY!  I also, in honor of my skills in “walking successfully in the backyard”, decided that it was time to get a better quality dog food than what I’ve been getting.  I will test and see if there really is “less” mess, because I am tired of constantly cleaning up and STILL stepping in it every.damn.time.  (sometimes right after I’ve cleaned up).  

The kids had a blast scaring me tonight by popping out from behind doors, hallways, etc.  I warned them that one day I may be walking with my large pewter candlesticks (I really have one) and then they’re done for.  We are heading to the city by the Bay tomorrow – so excited.  This will be my birthday celebration since Mags has a party Sunday and they’ll be at L’s on Tuesday…  We’ll have fun in the Mission. 

Pictures:  That damn Hair POOF!  WHYYYYYYYYYYY?????; The attempt, this morning, at separating pallets; My tea mixture in a little glass jar; Ahhh, CH.  I wrote to the European Association of Psychotherapy yesterday.  Hope to hear soon.

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