The morning started with me waking at 7:30.
This is vacation…I’m supposed to sleep much, much , later, but, my brain
being what it is, I couldn’t convince it otherwise, so I was up.
Eventually, after my morning ritual, I got together
the dog house plans created and sent by Brad and called Home Depot to place an
order, but I was unable to get through, so I decided (with Ethan’s permission)
that we would save this until Friday, because Home Depot is one of the few
places that is actually closed all day on Thursday.
Thank God.
Everything should be closed on Thanksgiving…like it used to be.
I did my best to get the kids inspired to
leave on our adventure.
Maggie was in
her room on her Kindle,
Ethan was lying
in front of our fake fireplace,
I said, “Should I just go alone?”
Ethan said…”I’ll go with you.
sweet, especially since he abhors music shows.

We headed towards Berkeley.
I was prepared for a long line of traffic, but we breezed right
It took us a while to locate
the actual downtown section, and we proceeded to walk around.
The coolest place was Moe’s Bookstore.
Ethan suggested I hide out there and just
live in it.
I bought
two books on Africa – one the history and the
other a story about a boy soldier from Sierra Leone.
Maggie found a book on Mexico’s Tarahumara people, and Ethan a book on
DIT experiments.
It was soooo cool.
We also dropped by Rasputin Records and I
bought a few records– again, I could’ve been there much longer, but with still no
receiver, I am not as passionate as I am about the books.
This is a bad, bad thing as records don’t weigh
as much. For lunch, the kids wanted to eat in a “healthy” place, so we did….
I didn’t have the heart to tell them that it
was all crap – sticking “whole wheat” buns really does nothing.
They talked about Europe and I reiterated
that, as wonderful as it is, there are problems.
No place is perfect….
They said, “Yes, we know.
But it’ll be terrific and after a few months
of getting settled it will be amazing.”
I need to look specifically into the Montessori aspect of working with Alzheimer’s/Dementia
I think that could be my “in”.

We headed to San Francisco – seems we were headed in the right
direction as there were cars, yes, but nothing compared to what was pouring out
of the city.
Ethan shared with us how he
learned from his teachers (???!) that red Jello uses parts of beaver’s rectums
(ahem) and then said “What have bananas had no ‘b’s in them?
Then they’d be “ananas.”
I love those nonsensical convos.
We made it to the Mission District fairly
quickly and found - I thought -a close parking spot.
There was brief entertainment for Dude
sitting in his work as first there was an “Am I in the parking spot?”
I listened to Maggie’s directions as Ethan
was not necessarily trustworthy (only to realize he was telling the truth).
The shop owner was giggling watching our
Then…as everything was almost finished,
Mags noticed the car keys...inside the locked car.
Fortunately the window was open just enough that
Mags could slip her arm in and unlocked it.
Ethan turned on the car to open the window…and went the wrong direction…but
the tough girl survived, and we continued our adventure.
We discovered that I had parked about 8
blocks away from the venue.
In other
situations I might be sad, but this is SF and we walk a ton here, anyway.
I realized, around block 5, that I had
forgotten to put socks on this morning when I was asking my kids if the tall
boots looked ok.
We found a park and the kids had a beautiful
time playing as I watched.
They later
said that was the best park they’d ever been to and Ethan mentioned loving to
be able to play in a park “at night” (it was 6).
We had a couple more hours to kill before the show, so we headed to our
pizzeria – Delfina’s.
Excellent food –
too long waiting.
We headed to the show and once inside, we immediately saw
Barbara, Ben and Alex’s mother. This was
terrific as she had a table upstairs and the kids and I sat down with our
adopted family and watched the show that way.
After so much walking, my body was having none of the “let’s stand for 4
hours in a sold-out music venue,” and Ethan wasn’t thrilled as it was. He
covered his ears and lay down. Towards the
end of the show, Brad invited us backstage and Maggie was able to sit on the stairs
and watched the guys. She loved it – and
that’s what mattered. Ethan sat in a
back room, Mags sat on the stairs and watched the show, and I got to see
Charlie, Phil’s new baby boy. It was a
nice show.
We headed down to the car – first heading the wrong
direction (shoulda listened to Ethan).
Loved walking in the still of the night.
Much to my chagrin – we needed to stop for a bathroom break and the
family tradition of Denny’s. The food
was disgusting. We talked about needing
to replace this with a different tradition..but in this country??? Got home at 2:30 – clear roads the whole
way. The kids thanked me for the
adventure as I unlocked the front door…and off to bed they went.
Pictures: A bookstore in the Mission District. After the Moe's adventure in Berkeley, both kids said, "Keep walking! Just keeeeep walking...."; The kids noticed the similarities between The Mission's BART station and Daleks from Doctor Who; Swinging around in the park; Fun times getting to The Chapel
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