The day was filled with emotional issues, behavioral issues…the
usual. I was nervous about the IEP and
going to class. I can’t think of much
else…my brain has become a bipedal vacuum.
Headed to the IEP – I’m not sure why the head of special ed
for all of CMP was at the meeting – and I was a irate <later in the meeting-
not sure why I placed it here, but just go with me> when she argued that
Ethan didn’t appear to qualify for emotional disturbed program…I’m not even
sure why the hell that came up – I let her know that wasn’t our intent in the first
place – we were trying to get him some help, because this child, whom she had
never met, was suffering tremendously lately.
After much discussion, it seems that the loss of his two best friends
had the biggest impact on him. He scored
well on tests, did exceptionally well (for him) in two areas of tests which I
can’t recall right now. In the end, I
think we came out with a better game plan than what is in place now.
Off to school, under the glow of a rising Mourning Moon and Jerry Garcia & crew singing to me. This GD kick lately is interesting. Made it to school about 15 minutes late and sat in class. I’m thinking this instructor must have been showing us how big her balls were the first night (for lack of a better analogy), because she seemed much different tonight, much more personable. I spoke with her after class (after full disclosure of the situation) and explained that right now, he was my priority and that this class had a back seat. I don’t care if I don’t get an A, my boy needs me. Then I thought my keys were locked in the main office, so I was walking around the empty building at night with another instructor, Sweet Carla Stone from Texas who was going to take me to her house to help me figure out something out (as I lived an hour away, was single, and had no one who could come pick me up). Fortunately, I found my keys in a small, side pocket I never use (I’m not thinking lately).

Tribe pictures: An adventure in Davis about a year ago; my two in La Bodega, the place I grew up, spring Break 2011; They wanted to try face masks - I love my kids....
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