The night was an interesting one... I know I wasn't drunk,
but I passed out with the mini heater still going and woke up in the middle of
the night in an oven. I shut it off and collapsed back into my coma. When I woke up, the alarm was going, and it was an hour past Get-Up time, so I jumped out of bed and immediately called
Stephanie, telling her in my creaky-frog voice that I’d be a little late. I looked like Pre-Prison Phil Spector. I
soon realized, however, that it was 7:08, not 8:08, and there were No Kids. This equals plenty o’ time...except then I couldn’t find things like my
make up (thank goodness Mags has more make-up than I do, so I borrowed her
mascara) I grabbed my Carmex. I’m
Today was the last day with our substitute – Monday everything
goes back to the usual. It was decided that
since the kids had behaved very well during the two weeks that they should get
a pizza party during lunch. Everything
went very well, with the usual student reacting during fourth block with attitude
and the sharing of her third finger, but that was expected and things were
taken care of. Borderline isn’t a picnic
– and when you have the whole world against you – it must really suck to be this student. Said goodbye to my not-favorite-since-I don't-have-one student. She's off to a group home in a different state soon so I gave her an email address to contact me if she wants to. I wish the best for her, she has a shitload of tough stuff that is about to happen and she doesn't even know it yet.
There is something about Fridays as I walk out across the quickly-emptied parking lot to my car. It’s akin to the days leading up the Christmas or your birthday when you reach my age – you know nothing special is going to happen, but there is so much promise. I drove home with the intent to Accomplish Something. I began in the back yard, went through some boxes in shed and found the picture of me and Helana Beal on All Saints Day in my Trinity yearbooks. I was thinking of this picture all day on November 1 (All Saint’s Day). I like to think I was Saint Elizabeth, but it was most
likely a name that that was very “unhip” and
plain. I went inside to clean some of the back room and threw out some
stuff. I was doing better than most
days, but I still only rid the room of 5% of stuff.
Next was the shoe closet, where I got rid of some shoes, discovered my motorcycle
boots, got rid of some clothes. I know
that if I ever fall in love again, I’ll
lose my appetite and stop eating, so I can hopefully fit into some of the clothes
again, but many have GOT to GO. I also went through jewelry.
This whole time, I'm saying "Goddammit, Bobby" either like Hank on
King of the Hill (thanks, Jay) or in a Mickey Mouse voice. Wtf. Really???
No wonder I’m single.
It was a nice night to go to the park with dogs, in my motorcycle boots, skinny jeans and a Grateful Dead hoodie. I listened to the Mother Hips under the warm glow of the moon and sang along as I hit the glow-in-the-dark ball with a tennis racquet for Mabi. I danced, feeling relief of a difficult week, but my neck was still not participating. I need to Icy Hot it later. After about half an hour, or much of Shootout/Chronicle Man, I dropped the dogs back home and headed down the mini-hill to Cameron Park. The taqueria was closed, so I went to my usual place, where I took them by storm and instead of my usual, I ordered nachos, which I ate with a fork. Moises Rodriguez, the owners' husband and an incredible Flamenco guitarist, said hello and kissed me on the head, asking about my kids. I have family everywhere.... I ran by ElDo to see how the Union Mine football team was doing. They were winning when I was there, but later I saw they had been annihilated. I had never brought the kids by to watch a football game…. Next year.
There is something about Fridays as I walk out across the quickly-emptied parking lot to my car. It’s akin to the days leading up the Christmas or your birthday when you reach my age – you know nothing special is going to happen, but there is so much promise. I drove home with the intent to Accomplish Something. I began in the back yard, went through some boxes in shed and found the picture of me and Helana Beal on All Saints Day in my Trinity yearbooks. I was thinking of this picture all day on November 1 (All Saint’s Day). I like to think I was Saint Elizabeth, but it was most
It was a nice night to go to the park with dogs, in my motorcycle boots, skinny jeans and a Grateful Dead hoodie. I listened to the Mother Hips under the warm glow of the moon and sang along as I hit the glow-in-the-dark ball with a tennis racquet for Mabi. I danced, feeling relief of a difficult week, but my neck was still not participating. I need to Icy Hot it later. After about half an hour, or much of Shootout/Chronicle Man, I dropped the dogs back home and headed down the mini-hill to Cameron Park. The taqueria was closed, so I went to my usual place, where I took them by storm and instead of my usual, I ordered nachos, which I ate with a fork. Moises Rodriguez, the owners' husband and an incredible Flamenco guitarist, said hello and kissed me on the head, asking about my kids. I have family everywhere.... I ran by ElDo to see how the Union Mine football team was doing. They were winning when I was there, but later I saw they had been annihilated. I had never brought the kids by to watch a football game…. Next year.
The week has drawn to an end - all that remains is lots of homework and chores this weekend. I took a hot bath, hoping it'll ease my tense body, but it did little other than clean me. I’m looking forward to
Sunday and purchasing my Mother Hips Christmas tickets. Not sure how I’ll do things with the dogs,
but this is a special weekend. I’d like
to spend some time alone in San Francisco, wandering the streets and getting
lost amongst the people. As I sit in the living room with the pups and the rad fake fireplace, I'm grateful. The house is clean enough for guests (though there shan't be any) and there are fresh sheets on my bed. I can't wait....
Pictures: This morning in the back yard; The Giants flag came down and Switzerland's went up; Finally - a dinner date, though he's rather quiet.
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