Even though I stayed up til almost 1 reading articles (news –
not textbook), I slept wonderfully
and until almost 9.
I love sleep.
I had such interesting dreams, which have
long since disappeared into my subconscious.
A not-so-terrific thing I
may have
done last night is made another damn batch of cranberry crunch.
I justified it – don’t worry (“after the week
I’ve had….”)
A bad thing I noticed is
that, on top of an extra bit of chunk in my midsection which keeps me from me
size 8 jeans, I’ve noticed my boobs seems to grow instantly from this mess.
I am not happy about that one bit.
I really miss B cup.
This D shit is overkill, which leads me to a whole
other body question for the men…
important are bodies to you guys?
Yes, the nice, oft-airbrushed/photoshopped
ones are lovely to look at, but in reality…do a few extra pounds really make a
I’ve wondered this my entire
life…Never thought to ask before.

My goal – again – was to Accomplish Something.
Last week’s classes scared me.
The neat thing is I decided Tuesday after
class this would be the last time I ever took 2 classes and I realized that to
be true.
Other than practicums, which I
will be attending until 2025, I have one class left.
I did fairly well with homework, understanding
It seems that when you can focus
with extraneous distractions, a whole new level of comprehension develops.
I heard children laughing and playing, then
an annoying dog barking.
That’s Annie.
So after a few more chances, she was
introduced to her crate, which created for me a perfect opportunity to take a
I think I slept for a good hour
The best thing about deep naps
is that you get to wake up again to a whole new day!
My coffee just beeped and is ready.
Excuse me.
Before the day slipped past, I wanted to get OUT into the world.
A walk downtown was really a no-go, because I
wanted to go into the book store and am not going to bring Annie in there.
So we went to Lee’s Feed, with Annie whining
in the car the whole way.
This is
driving me nuts.
I took her in first,
while Mabi waited patiently in the car, an we collected some hooves.
Then it was Mabi’s turn and we got a training
toy, a bully stick and a stuffed animal.
Off to the park, where I witnessed the most beautiful collage of colours.
It was beautiful…and the dogs enjoyed it…and
I needed it.
I needed it UNTIL Annie ran
off when we were getting in the car because she saw a squirrel or a deer or a
moth or SOMETHING.
That dog is driving
me insane.
Mabi was quite discouraged
with her rebellious buddy.
I got in the
car and drove around in circles to try to scare Annie into believing that I was
her <Mabi didn’t like that at
all…I’ll have to pay for canine trauma therapy now> but Annie, wherever she
was gallivanting, didn’t mind at all.
That fruit loop.
I will not hide
the fact that profanities ensued at this point, but fortunately there were no
humans nearby.
I offered her to Brian Duby, but he said no
very firmly.
So I was off to pick up dinner at Allez!…Coq au Vin and an a
Plat de Charcuterie, then I accidentally threw in a French brie and pâté caillete. I love traditional pâté, wasn’t so crazy
about the caillete. The coq au vin is
what I grew up on. Gonna start making this
for my kids and cooking more the way my parents did as soon as class lightens
up in December.
After many hours and much distraction, I finished up the MSE. Chatted with my sweet Sabol, who assured me
as soon as things are ready in my Universe, things I am seeking will
appear. Thank you, Heather. You are a one of a kind angel. <3
Pictures: The sunset on the way to the park; the sunset *at* the park, and Mabi at the park, herding her basketball.
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