Sunday, January 11, 2015

January 11, 2015

Perhaps making French bread (which would be ready at midnight) was not the wisest of choices, but I didn’t realize it was going to take 6 hours to make the damn thing.    I noticed, in my search for an audio book, that I had purchased an e-book entitled “All the Light We Cannot See” prior to leaving for Texas and started reading that.  Within minutes, I was engrossed. 100 pages and  2 thick-slices-of-French-bread-slathered-in-butter later, I decided I should probably sleep on my last night of break. 

I woke up in pain.  Last night I had moments of paralysis with my back as it hurts so fiercely I am unable to move.  It is time to get back to yoga and stretching my body so this pain disappears.  Or maybe my boobs are just too damn big.  <eyeroll>  A little bit of messaging with my coach.  He hasn’t done as well on the match making as hoped, but he is giving my lots of encouragement in Life.  I think I shall dub him my Life Coach.  I  mentioned always having wanted to write a book.  He said, (and I quote) “DO IT.”  I'm not really sure how to get started, but he gave me some tips, so, now that I have only practicum and my actual practicum this term, I’ll see what I can do.  The dogs knew I was planning on hiking…they went over to the leashes and Annie started her whining. I suppose her whine is much more pleasant than the voice of the raffle – guy at Chevy’s the other night, but not by much.  

As I took a slight curve in Pollock Pines, Annie fell out of the window.  I heard an odd noise, looked in my side mirror and saw Annie sitting in the middle of the road.  My heart plummeted and I immediately pulled over, running over to her.  The experience scared the shit out of her.  This is a literal statement.  However, I saw everything looked to be ok and picked her up.  Moments later a HUGEASS TRUCK (wtf?  Did Texas follow me here?), hauling a boat, no less, drove over her physical exclamation of shock.  I se her down by the side of the car and she proceeded to scamper every where, then Mabi hopped out to see if her friend was ok (I seem to recall a dog shriek from Mabi around the time Annie hit the pavement – again, another literal statement).  I loaded them in and we headed to the hike.  That first breath, when I got out of the car , was AMAAAAAAYYYYYY-ZING.  We hiked about 5 miles.  I couldn’t stop.  Lots to think about and I needed to walk it off.  On the walk, I also decided and semi-planned a get-up-super-early-and-drive-to-Yosemite-and-have-a-kickass-adventure-with-the-kids excursion.  

On the way to the hiking area, I had moved to the right, Texas style, to let a truck pass me.  It had 5 mountain bikes in the back.  As we left our hiking area, guess which car  passed by, going the other direction?  EXACTLY!!!  The exact same truck.  This is not a coincidence.  This is the Universe – and it is telling me about timing.  I’m not exactly sure what the message is about timing, but I see it.  I am aware to things like this.  As we got closer to town, I noticed Annie had a couple of mild scrapes on the side of her head.  Poor little dumpling.  I headed to Lee’s feed to get her some hoofs to chew on.  I would have also gotten a cream, but I didn’t have my wallet with me.  I took them home, got my wallet, and headed to buy vegetables and healthy stuff.    Healthy.  that’s me.

And so, I got much of my to-do board done today, except the 2 parts I wanted to do the most, but life changes.  That’s why we must be flexible and adaptable.  I learned today that little Annie is a precious part of the family and that there is a 93% chance that Mabi is causing a lot of the trouble – simply because she is the alpha/jealous dog who needs a job.  I wish she could be a financial advisor, but that’s a different issue.  I spent the rest of the evening getting good advice from another friend.  I don’t know what I would do without these people.    Earlier, as I was filling in the requisite “3 reference people”, I put down my ex sis-in-law and ex-mom-in-law our of habit, thinking, who else  do I know??  But in actuality, there are so many people who are there for me when I need them, when I ask ridiculous questions over simply ridiculous situations which I have placed myself in.  They are here for me and that means the world to me. 

Pictures:  The hiking view when we reached the side-summit of the..logging road; My first macro!  A plant thingy; Group shot; a fallen tree.

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