I gave my son the simple task of cleaning the kitchen..I thought.
After an hour of next-to-no-noise, I
went in to check. He had taken
ALL of the mess on the counter and transferred it to the kitchen
table – he was “checking through important stuff”…like the sim cards he had
Another hour later, I checked in
again – only to see a cleaned counter but the microwave, Kitchen-Aid, coffee
machine all in a different spot so he could scrub
that counter.
This kid has taking the word “clean” to the extreme.
Something I appreciated very much.
I slept more today than any day I’ve been in bed which, if
you’re keeping count, is quite a few.
How my body is resting so much is beyond me, but it has been doing an
exceptional job. I feel I must have
slept almost 13 hours straight, plus a few on either end of that 13. This morning, Ethan was given explicit
instructions on what was expected of him in turns of notifying me regarding his
plans. I have faith.
Somehow ~and holy mercy these roads are bumpy as hell ~ I
made it directly to the doctor’s office, without have to look anything up. I have never been here, still I simply turned
into all the right areas and made all the right moves. I guess I kinda know what Teddy Pendergrass
felt like now. As frustrating as this
office can be <see later in post>, I love my nurse practitioner. She is someone I would want to be friends
with outside of work. She checked me out
– we’ll do another checkup in 2 weeks, and she also changed my pain medication
to Tramadol. I headed to Walmart, which
is humanity’s ground-zero for self-destruction,
but not until I was able to witness a guy about my age drivin’ his mama around
and singing at the top of his lungs that “you’re gonna hafta face it, you’re
addicted to love” as he almost took out 2 smaller vehicles. Sometimes, I just want to cry. Then I realize I just spend 3 years of my
life getting a dual master’s degree so I can be around these people all the
time. On purpose.

There was no record of my prescription being called in
<shake my head from previous post>, so I went home.
There is no way I’m going to fight it.
At home, I left a message at the doctor’s
office and went to sleep.
Soon my sweet
boy called and asked if he could hang out with freinds – I said sure and gave him a time to
be home…he was home 20 minutes before then.
He finished cleaning the kitchen for me – going to so much detail.
That kid has no idea how much he did for
He also insisted on looking for
speakers for my car – the one caveat being we put them in together.
Well, duh!
We headed to pick up my medication, then grabbed some real food
<well, it was fake, but it was different than soup and yogurt> and
brought it home to eat.
We had a
wonderful evening discussing Memories of Yesterday <which were helped
tremendously by Shari’s CRB CD>
Dreams of Tomorrow.
I will readily admit
to these children and everyone else that I believe I have brainwashed them
about Europe, but I really do think it will be the experience of as lifetime
and will give them an incredible perspective they cannot get here in El Dorado

Home to …my bed.
received a phone call from Clare
- who
is a kindred spirit, I believe.
talked about many things and it was nice to have a conversation again.
Real (fake) food and conversation make me
believe I’ll be better soon.
If only I
could stop that my-uterus-is-falling-out-of-my-body feeling, but I guess that’s
what antibiotics are for.
Tomorrow I
bring my boy back to school.
We were
supposed to get caught up on his homework while he was here this week, but I
haven’t been able to focus on anything other than the back of my eyelids, so
that’ll be this weekend’s fun plans.
He had an exceptional time and has even mentioned volunteering there on
That is music to my ears.
Pictures: The canisters from my nurse practitioner's office; Teddy Pendergrass performing "Close the Door", 1978, Sony Music Entertainment; My NP brought me "my results" from Sunday night; A boy and his dog are reunited...after about an hour.
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