Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 12, 2015

Last night I received the most wonderful email:  My school site had mis-written (new word!)our graduation date, confusing it with a last something-or-other and I learned I would be free to attend Hipnic!!!  Lizzie Mae will be introduced to some rad folks I have gotten to know.  <happy face>  I am very excited about this.

Oddly enough, my first waking thought was NOT about the beautiful piece of machinery which sits mere feet from my bed – it was about Hipnic.  Nice morning – After I finished homework and turned it in, I put <almost> every ounce of attention into my muscles during the yoga practice and it was a hard work out – fast, but with sweat and increased heart rate.  


Class consisted of midterms, but there was a  nice walk with a student from Quincy and I brought up High Sierra Music Festival.  Her dad plays in one of the bands that plays there and it was terrific that we share a common love for Primus.  Music is indeed a way to the soul. As I tallied up the point system I started chuckling.  Drinking brings the phrase “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere” to use, while the potheads have their 4:20, so I created my own – “6:40 counts, too!”  It doesn’t mean a damn thing, but I giggled  because it is so pointless and without merit.  I felt people like me needed a time, also.

 I headed to the store to exchange the auto battery charger for the machine that also inflates tires and everything else.  No need having two separate machines.  I also ran by the VW shop (as I will now call German Auto Werks) and bought a real window handle and got tips on how to lube it up.  I love that I’ve joined a new family and happier still that it is a classic car family<happy face>.  You bet your ass I’m gonna try to learn what I can to fix my own bus.  

Headed straight to my site where I had the joy of seeing a former student/gang member.  After supervision, I headed to group.  I have really become fond of this group and the people in it.  The section covered relationships and sexuality came up.  I shared my vagina cupcake experiences with the kids.  I may make some at the end of this class, who knows.  I learned during group that onl;y one of teh three of Ethan's friends could come to his birthday celebration, which makes me a little sad for him.  He asked me if Maggie could invite a friend of hers for the paintball, since I had it for 4 kids(she was already invited).  He's a good kid.  Afterwards, I was thrilled to share the excitement with another woman (who is also abstinent) the joy our sneezes bring us – mini orgasms of the nose.  You just never know what you can learn about in group.

Pictures:  A rosebud ("Rosebud...!") on campus; Fence shadows; Criss-cross clouds

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