Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April 14, 2015

There is nothing like a little heavy metal and a work out to wake me up in the morning, especially after I've been up sipping coffee for 45 minutes.  So I'm not a "roll-out-of-bed-and-jump-into-cardio person.  Sue me. I read the coolest thing about Ethan...once again doing the right thing when no one was looking.  Makes me proud, yet I'd hope for nothing less.

After dropping off the kids, I get onto the little one-lane-up-hill street to head to work when Dude in his 7 ton Magna-Monster Truck hauls ass (never slowing down) till he's 3 feet behind me.  Now, I'm a punch-it kinda driver, but this is a Mazda CX-7 going *up hill*, fer chrissake, so I held up my thumb (really) in "YAY!  THANK YOU FOR SHOWING ME YOUR BADASS TRUCK 3 FET BEHIND ME!!" solidarity, but I think he must have thought I was flipping him off, bc he did the WTH shrug.  Oh.  i'm sorry...my bad.

At school, I saw a kid I know is having a really tough day, as we all experience.  Yet this individual faces a deck stacked against them, on top of really bad news from home.  I felt so privileged to have this person open up to me.  Not once, but twice. After work, I picked up my tribe and we enjoyed a terrific drive home, then I'm off for supervision, which was wonderful as always. I let my supervisor know that she and Jen will be accompanying me in a mini road trio (maybe for coffee to Auburn) in my VW once it is finished.  She said her hippie daughter might want to join.  The more, the better!  Rad. I have new clients Friday and closed out 3 files today.  Look at me....

A set dinner table awaited me at home (though I had requested it), and we all enjoyed the split-pea pudding I made last night in the crock pot (it was that thick).  Plus, a divine spinach  salad with my home made dressing.  Oh course, I have the kids who, when I ask, "who wants spinach salad?"  both answer "me!"  I finished up homework, tried to file an extension (still haven't revived docs) to no avail, and then hot bubble bath.  I'm getting closer to the end of this tunnel.  <more lie ahead, I know>

I'm previewing a little Sepultura for tomorrow's workout and then...glorious slumber.

I do miss barbed wire, from time, to time.  I remember getting stuck on it many times out in the pasture, climbing fences; The light is getting closer; My boy wove bacon.

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